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*Perry's POV*

I wake up feeling sick to my stomach. I turn beside me seeing Monogram quietly sleeping. I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom. Out of nowhere I feel nauseous. I run towards the toilet and puke. 'It must be something I ate' this happened almost every morning.

I started to gain weight in my stomach and get weird cravings. I start thinking about that night with doof. 'Omg-- I can't be' I run to the bathroom and start crying. I see the doorknob slowly turn. I quickly lock it and wipe my tears.

"Are you okay babe" monogram asked worryingly

"Yes I'm fine" my voice breaks

"Open the door and tell me what's wrong" monogram demands

I slowly open the door and say...

"I think I'm-- im...
Prego" *insert Debby Ryan smirk*

"It was doof wasn't it, WASN'T IT," he says angrily.

"Did you guys.... hold hands?"

I stay silent.

"Were over, get out" he says

"But-" I say sadly

"GET OUT" monogram screams

I flinch slightly and pack my things. I'm sobbing at this point. I have nowhere else to go. I can't go to Phineas as and Ferb's house, not after what happened.


" I'm sorry" I plead

"No, you can't say you're sorry after you've been spying on our family. And telling the government that Candice is ducky momo. THAT WAS A SECRET. She can't control how she was born" Phineas scoffs

*end of flashback*
I obviously can't go to doof's. I don't have any money. I sigh. It's getting late so I go to the park and find a bench. I sleep there for almost a month. One day I see doof walking in the park. 'Oh shoot' I'm visibly pregnant at this point too. We make eye contact. He looks down at my stomach and rushes towards me.

"What happened," he asks

I sigh and blurt out

"I'm so sorry doof, but at the time I was living with you I and monogram were dating and-"

"Wait what happened, why are you homeless?"

"After my night at your apartment, monogram came to "save" me, you saw us kiss and we left back to our apartment. I felt all the pregnancy symptoms and took a test and now I pregnant. Monogram knew it wasn't his and that it was... yours, he kicked me out"

"Wait I'm gonna be a dad?"


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