7. Mutual Respect

Start from the beginning


Dinner was eaten in silence, the only sound being Percy munching happily on her pizza pop. Although the boys were glad to see her so chipper, they had things they needed to discuss, away from their newest family member's ears.
So Tim and Dick were relieved when Percy excused herself to go to bed, after the last two days she was undoubtedly tired and needed as much rest she could get.
Damian scowled as he thought about the tiresome conversation that he would no doubt be dragged into by his idiotic brothers that couldn't figure anything out for themselves.

As soon as Percy's footsteps faded down the hall Dick turned to the youngest of his brothers, a serious expression on his usual mirthful face. "Tim told me about the little 'spar' you had with her."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
Damian scoffed, knowing full well that he couldn't tell the two about Percy's other side.

"Yes, me and Percy spared."
"Tim said she was good."
The small green-eyed boy folded his arms, his expression giving nothing away.
"Yes, she was adequate."
It was Tim's turn to scoff, he rolled his eyes at 'the blood son'.
" Adequate? She held her own against you for over five minutes, and in the end, she let you win. All her moves before then were calculated and smooth, heck she was forcing you to go on defensive. Then she suddenly makes a mistake a rookie would make? I don't think so."

Taking a bite of his food to allow him a moment to think of an answer that wouldn't give away the savior of Olympus, Damian swallowed slowly.
"Yes, I admit her fighting was sufficient, though you may have forgotten something Drake. I myself do not want to expose our family, so I naturally went easy on her as well."
Tim grabbed the last of his pizza pop and glared at the younger, The oldest of the boys calmly placed his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands. "Still doesn't explain you finding her 'accomplishments admirable', or why you respect her enough to call her by her first name."
"Tt perhaps it is time you get your ears checked Grayson and stop thinking imbecilic thoughts. Now if you will excuse me I have a katana that needs to be sharpened." As he pushed back his chair and left the room the young vigilante recoiled internally at his words, knowing that no matter how halfwitted the two older boys were, they would no doubt become even more suspicious.
I am sorry Percy.


The two boys watched as Damian left the room, "Well that wasn't weird at all."
"No not at all." Dick tapped his fingers to his face, a far off look in his eyes.

"What do you think it is?"
Tim glanced at his brother for a moment, then down to his coffee mug, swirling the rejuvenating juice around.
"I think he knows her story, or at least part of it."
The acrobat was silent for a minute, "Yes I think so too, I also don't believe she is a threat."
Tim nodded his head, his gaze still transfixed on his coffee "Yeah, otherwise Demon' would've told us; However I'm slightly concerned as to why he looks up to her."
"So am I."
Dick's words hung in the air, the two boys were silent as a single thought crossed their minds.
If the only other people that he respects is the merciless head of assassins, and a man that dresses up as a bat at night... who could Percy be?


Percy had figured out something that her brother had in common with the two other boys. Even though they all seemed to be well trained, only Damian was good at hiding what was on his mind.
She could tell Tim and Dick had something they wanted to talk about 'away from prying ears'. It wasn't all that hard, they kept glancing at her awkwardly, then away quickly as if she couldn't see them.

She let out a huff of air as she finally finished combing through her long wavy hair, satisfied that she had gotten all the tangles out, she marched over to her bed and pulled the covers back.
Just was she was climbing into the warm soft bed, an Iris Message solidified in front of her, a foggy image of Nico in his cabin appearing.
"Hey Niks."
Her cousin frowned and leaned forward slightly, his dark eyes narrowing. "Don't call me 'Niks'."
Percy rolled her sea-green eyes, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "Whatever you say 'ghost king'."
A small small appeared on Nico's lips at his cousin's antics. "I IMed to see if you would want to met up for lunch tomorrow, Sparky and Sparkette wanted to come but duty calls."

The daughter of Poseidon nodded "Bruce should be okay with that, where will we met?"
Nico tapped a finger to his face "I think there's a dinner two blocks north of Wayne Enterprise, meet there quarter to eleven?"
"Yeah that should work. See you Nico."
"Bye Perce."

The demigod quickly swiped her hand through the mist, severing the connection.
She didn't want one of the Waynes to stumble upon her demigod life.
Climbing the rest of the way into the bed and promptly pulling the covers over her, she let a small sigh escape her lips.

Percy was thankful that for the past two nights she had sleep peacefully for the most part, no dreaded demigod dreams haunting her night.
Maybe I won't get any nightmares tonight either.

However, as she drifted off to sleep, the young demigod should have known by now, nothing is ever that easy.

What seemed like only seconds later, she blinked open her eyes only to look directly into painfully familiar stormy grey orbs in return.


So what do you guys think?
So you like Dami knowing Percy is a demigod?
Where do you think Bruce went?

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