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As soon as I arrived in the house from taking snow on a walk there Mrs Chamalet sat on the couch smiling at me

Tina: hi Hayley
Hayley: hello Mrs Chamalet
Tina: how are you doing
Hayley: pretty good you

Snow jumped out my arms and ran upstairs

Hayley: Sky Get Snow Please
Tina: I'm good

Soon mom came in

Mom: oh sweetie you're back
Hayley: um yeah wasn't really a long walk mom
Mom: I told tina about your situation
Hayley: situation? I don't have a situation mom

I looked at her confused she did not tell the boy mom that I like him

Hayley: oh no
Tina: it's fine Hayley I like you and we all think you're a good match for timmy
Hayley: we ? Who is we?
Mom: me your dad tina and Philip
Hayley: you guys were discussing me unbelievable
Mom: we only want the best for you sweetie

I sat down across from them oh boy

I heard a knock on the front door I went to open it revealing a Timothee oh brother

Hayley: Asher's not here
Timothee: I'm not here for Ash I'm here for you

Wait What?

Hayley: what ever your mom told you don't listen to her

He looked confused

Timothee: my mom didn't tell me anything
Hayley: oh um come in

I let him in

Timothee: I wanna know If I did something wrong to you
Hayley: what why?
Timothee: you've been avoiding me
Hayley: oh you caught on to that
Timothee: yup
Hayley: it was nothing personal towards you or anything
Timothee: oh really I saw you leave the gym on Saturday at 6am you claimed you don't go to the gym anymore
Hayley: look I'm sorry I just couldn't do it with you
Timothee: if I said or did something to over step my boundaries I'm sorry and it won't happen ever again
Hayley: look I-I

I try to let it out but it wasn't coming out

Timothee: I enjoy your company a lot you amuse me and you also teach me a lot of stuff which is good I've never met anyone my age who matches my energy you do so I'm going to do something and either you say yes or no if you say yes I'd be so happy and if you say no I'll understand

I stare at him

Timothee: can I take you out?
Hayley: um sure
Timothee: like on a date

My eyes opened big

Hayley: um yes I mean yeah

He smiled

Timothee: awesome I'll pick you up on Saturday at 7pm
Hayley: okay

He left I jumped up and down I'm so happy

Jessica: honestly we're so happy for you
Hayley: thank you guys
Kate: you look so happy
Hayley: that's because I am
Kate: we should go shopping for an outfit
Jessica: kate hay has alot of clothing in here we don't need to go shopping

She rolled her eyes

Kate: I wanted to use it as an excuse so I can buy something new
Hayley/Kate: typical Kate

We all chuckled snow started to bark I got up opened the door for him he came in and jumped straight in Kate's lap she begin to pet him

Kate: I think I wanna keep him
Hailey: get your own

Jessica chuckled soon mom came in the room

Mom: hey girls
Hayley/Jessica/Kate: hey mom
Mom: so are you excited for your date on Saturday with timmy
Kate: what date ?
Jessica: you're going on a date with Timothee?

They played dumb

Hayley: how did you know I have a date on Saturday
Mom: Tina told me besides I know she likes Timothee girls

They both sigh

Hayley: she was eavesdropping when me and ash were talking

They both stare at her

Mom: I don't call it eavesdrop

She grinned

Mom: so what are you wearing?
Kate: that's what we're trying to figure out now

She head straight in my closet


Asher: BOO!

I jumped snow jumped out of my arms and started barking I glare at Asher who was laughing his head off

Hayley: not cool dude

Snow was still barking

Hayley: Snowflake hush

Asher picked him up

Asher: I'm so sorry I scared you snowy

Soon he pet him he stopped barking

Hayley: anyways I'll need you to watch snow on Saturday
Asher: I have no problem with doing that right little guy

He began to play with him

Skylar: Ash I want snow
Asher: you have snow all the time sky sometimes I think snow is yours and not hay's own

She rolled her eyes I chuckle

Hayley: ash just give her snow
Asher: do you wanna go big guy huh?

He barked

Asher: see he said no
Skylar: ash!!!
Asher: I wasn't speaking the dog spoke

She stormed off Asher chuckled

Hayley: seriously dude

He rest snow on the floor

Asher: go to sky

Snow ran off

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