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Mom: are you coming down or?
Hayley: I would rather not mom
Mom: are you sure?
Hayley: yeah I'll stay up here tonight
Mom: do you want me to bring your food up to you or?
Hayley: no I'll come down for it before the Chamalet's arrive
Mom: okay fine

She was about to leave soon she turned back

Mom: you should get out  of the house you know hiding in here isn't going to solve any of your problems

I sigh

Hayley: I just needed some time to process all of this mom
Mom: i know but you've been in the house almost for 3 weeks now hay avoiding everyone you need to go out there and do something go shopping go donate something do something so you can atleast get out of the house call the girls up have a girls day hay

She left my room I don't mind being like this I stare at my almost done doughnut, at my television, at my books  all around my bed, at baggy and comfortable clothes, then at myself in the mirror soon I sigh maybe my mom is right I need to leave my room Alfred tried to reach me these past weeks but I never picked up I cant face him right now I'm too hurt

Asher: Me and Sky are going to close the shop up are you coming?
Hayley: nah I gotta clean this mess up

I point around my entire room

Asher: ok well we're gonna also stop for icecream you want anything
Hayley:nah I'm good but thanks anyway

I forced a smile he nod soon left I got out my bed and tried to tidy up my room it's been the messiest ever clothes all over the floor my garbage can full to the brim all sorts of left over stuff all over my bureau what can I say I'm hurt I don't have the energy to get up and do stuff ugh

Mom: Hay i thought you left with Ash and Sky

I look up at my mom

Hayley: I don't have the energy to go anywhere mom
Mom: ok noted

She nod she took my garbage can

Hayley: I got it mom
Mom: you don't

She smile soon left with it I stop what I'm doing just sat on the floor staring at my messy room she is right I don't have it I sigh soon I closed my eyes and prayed to my heavenly father above

Skylar: hey hay
Hayley: hey Sky what's up?
Skylar: just checking up on you
Hayley: awe thanks sky

She smile soon give me a hug

Hayley: I love you
Skylar: I love you too

She left

Asher: hey mom said to give you this

He came in my room

Hayley: Ash you didn't have to I said I'll come down for it
Asher: before the Chamalet's arrive they have already arrive and I'm sure you don't wanna go down there looking like that

We both chuckled he rest the food on my nightstand

Hayley: thank you 
Asher: you're welcome now if you need something to drink just text me

I nod He smile soon left I sat on my bed and ate my food after an hour I was  done should I text Ash he's probably busy though I don't wanna sound lazy or anything I got up took the plate and head downstairs to the kitchen

Mom: hay

She looked surprised to see me

Hayley: sorry if I'm invading goodnight Mr and Mrs Chamalet

Tina: Hayley so good to see you

I try to smile it seemed kind of forced tho

Philip: yes how are you
Hayley: I'm good how about you guys?
Tina: awesome

She smile

Hayley: hi belle, jacob,Tiana, and Timothee

They all waved Timothee kept staring at me I don't know why did he feel sorry for me or what?

Hayley: I'm gonna head to the kitchen hope you all don't mind

They nod soon I left i washed my plate and spoon soon took a glass of water out of the fridge as I closed the fridge I was startled by Mrs Chamalet she chuckled

Tina: I'm sorry I scared you
Hayley: no biggie
Tina: listen your mom told me your whole situation I hope you don't mind
Hayley: not at all
Tina: how are you really feeling though?
Hayley: huh?
Tina: a while ago Philip asked how are you and you said you're good I want to believe that but in your situation I don't think i can so how are you really feeling?

She wait for my answer what do I say I barely even know this lady she recently came into my life I sigh

Hayley: hurt

I can't believe I just told her that she give me a sympathetic look and held her arms out all of sudden I went into her arms and hugged her as I hugged her I try not to cry and she just brush her hands through my short messy hair

Tina: I'm so sorry you had to experience something  like that sweetie but just so you know things will get better day by day

Things will get better day by day I thought about it as soon as I arrived back in my room I barely knew Tina Chamalet but her words to me were quite soothing and calming I'm going to admit I am hurt but she assured me that I won't be hurt for too long because things will get better day by day

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