FeElS 2

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Ella: Hayley hi
Hayley: hi
Ella: glad you made it to my engagement party

This isn't even an engagement party

Ella: who's that hottie you came in with did you finally move on???
Hayley: he's a fr.......
Ella: he's a hunk I'll tell you if I wasn't engaged to Al right now I'd probably be all over him

Unbelievable she put her hand out on the table

Ella: you like my diamond
Hayley: it's beautiful
Ella: 200k on my finger

She smile oh wow

Hayley: he bought that for 200k?
Ella: he got it specially made for me what that last ring he got you how much was that 60 dollars

She cringed

Hayley: I'm not all about materialistic stuff
Ella: oh too bad Diamonds would have looked lovely on your hand

Get me out of this conversation now soon Timothee came back with napkins finally

Timothee: here

He hand them to me

Hayley: thank you so much
Ella: hi hottie

She winked Timothee looked at her confused

Timothee: um hello
Ella: Ella Maddison I'm pretty known
Timothee: oh well I don't know who you are 
Ella: seriously that breaks my heart hot stuff

She pretends to cry soon stood up she left a magazine on the table

Ella: I'm on the cover of Vogue and I'm always at fashion week

She rolled her eyes soon Alfred came over

Alfred: babe what are you doing?
Ella: just showing them my  magazine
Alfred: Clementè is here to see you
Ella: omg nowayy gotta go catch you laters

She ran off

Alfred: I'm so sorry about her
Timothee: I gotta use the bathroom be right back

I nod he left

Alfred: so you're dating him now
Hayley: excuse me
Alfred: see I know there was something going on between you two
Hayley: what are you going on about?
Alfred: I see the way you look at him Hayley
Hayley: and how exactly do I look at him
Alfred: like he's the only guy in the world

Was I staring at Timothee that much??

Hayley: Don't accuse me of something I didn't do you know me well enough to know that I wouldn't do anything like that to you

He put his head down

Hayley: see I wouldn't stoop that low Alfred and I'm single remember

I stood up from the chair

Hayley: you wanna dance?
Timothee: yeah sure

I clung to his arm and left Alfred there staring I know it was kind of petty me and Timothee danced all night to be honest I wasn't doing it to get back at Alfred or anything it actually felt good not gonna lie dancing with him made me feel like it was only us two on the planet everything else was blocked out is this what it feels like to like someone all over again what am I saying I don't like Timothee more than that? Or do I? Why am I questioning that? Noway Hayley what are you doing he's practically dating your bestfriend I mean they didn't say it was official so me and Kate assume it is because they have been hanging out a lot I stopped dancing

Hayley: I just remembered my mom needs me

Before he could say anything I left the dance floor head straight to the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror

Hayley: get a hold of yourself

I breathed in and out as slowly as possible with that I stayed in the bathroom until it was time to go we arrive home in about 10 minutes I made no kind of eye contact with Timothee I head straight to my room and locked the door behind me and I paced back in fort in my room

Hayley: why in the world would I like him more than a friend? I've only known him for 3 months now

he's a gentlemen he's nice he doesn't get bored when talking to me he's a great gym partner ( yes I started going to the gym with him) he's funny, genuine ugh Hayley stop it what are thinking I breathe in and out

Hayley: its just a small crush it will go away eventually

I got on my knees and bowed my head

Hayley: Dear Heavenly father as I lay me down to sleep, relax the tension of my body; calm the restlessness of my mind; still the thoughts which worry and perplex me. help me  to rest myself and all my problems in your strong and loving arms. In jesus mighty name I pray Amen

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