Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

"Why would he be here?" Tamara asked me.

"Stay in the car. If you see a patrol car, call on my cell phone," I warned her.

"Okay," she said, but she didn't seem to be too alert. She turned off the van and opened the window.

"Don't fall asleep," I told her. She said she wouldn't, but I knew that if I didn't hurry up, she would. I crossed the street after a car let me pass by and I walked into the park. There were many trees at the corners of the baseball field. I looked across the opening of the baseball field, but I didn't see anything. Then I remembered that Brad had been hiding inside one of the boxes. I walked towards it. It seemed empty, but when I entered, Brad was inside, naked with his buttcheeks in the air. He was so beautiful.

"Brad," I said. I walked towards him and shoved his shoulder. He opened his eyes and flinched.


"I'm here," I said. I took my jacket off and placed it over his buttcheeks. His back was beautiful and broad, his hair seemed longer now and he had a dubbed beard.

"You saw me?" He asked me.

"Yes," I replied.

"I need clothes," he said.

"Okay, wait for me," I said and walked out of the park. I looked everywhere, making sure that I wasn't followed. I didn't see a patrol car or Patrick anywhere. I entered a men's store, bought some clothes and came back for Brad. He was still inside of the box, with my jacket on his...

"Here," I said and left the box. I waited for him to get dressed and when he was done he handed me my jacket back.

"Here," he replied. I grabbed it.

"Thanks," he said.

"Sure," I replied.

"So..." he said.

"So..." I replied.

"You already know that I..."

"Have a little problem. Yeah, I know," I replied. He didn't say anything. He just walked on like if he was alone.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me?" I asked him and he turned and smiled.

"Tell you what? That I was a werewolf?" He said. It made sense. I was never going to believe him if he told me. I had to see on my own.

"I didn't do any of the atrocious things that they're saying on the news. It was all Patrick. He was trying to convince me to join the new pack he was making. He said that he was tired of being alone and that I'd be helping him out," he said.

"With what?" I asked.

"With his meals. He said that I was a good looking kid and that there was a huge chance that I could..."

"That you could?" I asked wanting him to finish what he said.

"Get a few girls... And I... I almost wanted to," he confessed. I could tell that it was so difficult for him to say these things to me, but Brad had always been open and honest with me. It was just the way he was.

"But you didn't."

"But I was thinking about it. Natalie I didn't ask for this," he said.

"Oh, and I did?"

"You don't have to be a part of this. I'm thinking of running away," he said.

"No. You can control it. You did it last night. With me," I replied.

"But what about that cop? He's out there looking for me. It's just a matter of time," he said.

"Maybe I can talk to him. Tell him that you're different," I said. Brad shook his head and grabbed my wrist. He flinched and his hand had smoke.

"Silver," I said touching my bracelet. I remembered that Brad had bought me real silver. Brad nodded.

"Yeah. Silver hates me now," he said. I was going to take my bracelet off, but Brad urged me not to.

"No. It could be your only defense against me," he said. I hugged him.

"I love you Brad and I don't care if you're a werewolf, we're going to work it out," I said. He laughed.

"Work it out?"

"All relationships have problems Brad," I replied.

"Yeah, but none of them involve werewolf issues," Brad remarked.

"So? We love each other, right? Who cares?"

"It's not that simple," he replied.

"We're going to make it simple. We're going to talk to your parents and tell them the truth," I said. Brad laughed.

"You're kidding right? You're not kidding?" He asked me. I pulled his hand with my other hand, the one without the bracelet.

"Come on Brad. We have work to do."

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