"He's really sweet and I think he really is trying to take things slow." I said and Arlen sighed, a small pout on his face.

"Tell us everything about the date?" Key asked and I do. I tell them everything from picking out my clothes to when Nate dropped me off at home, bidding me good night with a kiss to my cheek. Arlen cooed when I was done and he let out a dreamy sigh.

"He sounds like a disney prince." Arlen said.

"That's what you said about me." Key said and I chuckled. It was true. Arlen had called Keenan a disney prince from when they met right up to their engagement.

"It's how I knew you were my soulmate." Arlen said, tilting his head to the side. He pressed a kiss to Key's cheek before looking back at the camera. "It's how I knew I found the one and Cil, I think you've found the one."

Last night had been magical. It felt like something right out of those romance novels I used to read in high school. The spark between and every time we touched. How being held by him had felt right and I knew it wasn't just in my head. Nate felt it too.

Arlen might be right. Nate could be my disney prince. My prince charming.

We talked for half an hour, Arlen and Key telling me about their night and their plans for today. We concluded with meeting up for lunch at twelve. A quick glance to the top of my screen and I see I have four hours to just relax and maybe sleep for a bit.

Once the call had ended, I tossed the phone to the bed and pulled the duvet over me, covering my head, trying to keep out the sunlight. I didn't have anything scheduled for today so I could relax and spend time with my friends and adorable puppy, Jaden.

I tried sleeping. I really did but I just couldn't.

I pushed back the duvet and got out of bed, pulling off my clothes as I made my way to the bathroom to shower. I had my bath, washed my hair and wrapped myself in a bathrobe before walking out.

I moisturised then pulled on a beige jumper and brown cargo pants, my hair falling into my eyes. I was just about to run a brush through it when my phone started vibrating again. I rushed towards it and let out a gasp when I saw it was Nate calling. Why I gasped, I had no clue.

I slid the arrow to answer and pressed the phone against my ear.

"Good morning, angel." he said, his voice just as deep and wonderful as always.

"Good morning." I replied, shyly.

"How was your night? I hope you slept well?" he asked and I found myself nodding in response. "You just nodded, didn't you?" he asked with a laugh.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I couldn't hold back my smile. "I slept well. How are you?"

"I... I am good. I called to check on you." Nate said. "And also because I missed you."

I sat down on the bed, smiling to myself. "I missed you too."

"Would you like to meet up today? We could have lunch or dinner or...we could meet up right now." Nate offered and my heart beat shot through the roof. It was beating so fast. Now. Now. I would love to see him right now.

"Right now?"

"I might be in front of your place right now. I... wanted to right a wrong I made." Nate said and my brows furrow in confusion. He was outside? I got off my bed and made my way towards the sitting room, moving to the other side of the wall so I could look out the window. There was a white jeep right near my curb and I got excited. It could be Nate. It probably was Nate.

"Please come up." I said.

"As you wish." he said and the call ends after that. I waited by the door, heart on my sleeve. When the knock came I didn't hesitate to open the door. Standing there, looking like he walked right out of my dreams. He was in a white shirt tucked into black pants, his hair styled off his face and he was smiling at me.

"Hey, angel." he said.

"H-Hi." I said, just as shyly as before.

Nate takes a step forward and I took several steps, moving closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I pushed onto the tip of my feet and pressed my lips right against him. Nate held onto my waist tightly as he kissed me back with so much fervour.

Each brush of our lips sent tingles through my body.

Each brush of our lips made it even more certain. Not all kisses were like this. Not all kisses were tingly and felt... there were no right words to describe it.

Nate truly was my prince charming.

My one.

So what did you think?
I think I need to go on a date too 😭

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