ReWrite Chapter 2

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The next thing I know is white...

White blinding light

The feeling of subdued rumbling all around me

Voices that I hear in the background sounding like yells

The struggle to breathe as I try to lift my hand, unsuccessfully, to my throat...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Days Later 3rd POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Had today been a normal day Kekkan would have been his usual lazy self, snoozing his alarm to hell and back. Until it was 6 or 7 am and the sun was trying to burn his eyes out. Get up, take a shower, get dressed then do his normal track looking out and around the city for trouble.

But today was different. Today instead of getting up at 6 or 7, Kekkan got up at 5 or so because he would be meeting All Might's new successor presumably on the beach. Cause what better way to train your body to withstand the power of One for All than to clean a beach covered in loads of garbage? That was rhetorical, don't answer that.

So now Kekkan begrudgingly awakes to the alarm he set last night; this one being a lot louder than the usual ones to make sure that he woke up on time. Literally rolling out of bed and flopping onto the ground like the fish he apparently was. He was wrapped in his blankets like a blanket burrito or something so this was the only way he could get out of bed. Freeing himself from his soft prison, Kekkan got up and turned off the alarm that had been ringing loudly since he awoke. Thinking back that alarm probably woke up some of his closest neighbors as well because of how damn loud it was, but that noise complaint will have to wait till later.

Finally, Kekkan trudged his way to the bathroom like every day before and of course, with his horrible luck, his quirk acted up and froze the water as it came out of the showerhead annoying the young Ketsueki to no end. Now using his quirk to heat the, now ice, to its previous heated, liquid form. After the shower Kekkan emerged from the bathroom surrounded by steam having once more accidentally used his quirk, this time making the water considerably hotter than most people would have.

Unlike most days he did not dry himself whatsoever, just walking to his closet and dawning himself in the most comfortable exercise clothes that he owned. This being a sleeveless zip-up hoodie and athletic shorts-- both, of course, being black-- and then began putting on his running shoes which, unlike most of his clothes, had a colorful rainbow design on them. After getting dressed Kekkan, instead of flying out of his window, ran out his apartment door and down the complex's stairs and out onto the sidewalk. Which because of the early time was very open, only having a few people walking by every so often.

Now on the sidewalk, Kekkan bolted ahead taking a morning run to one, get himself ready to train with the greenie, and two cause he got bored of walking after a while. Running and running feeling the cold morning air rush against his face as he made his way to the beach as fast as he could on his feet, that is- without using a quirk.

~~~~~~~~~~ Kekkan's POV ~~~~~~~~~~

A few minutes of running later I arrived to see the green-ete attempting, and failing miserably, to pull what looked to be a fridge with All Might in his muscle form sitting atop it. And as he would try to move the fridge a single inch All Might spoke,

"Hey, Hey, Hey! It's pretty comfy up on this fridge, how are you doing down there?" In his normal authoritative yet weirdly cheery voice, right before Izuku (A/n: Imma just say his name now cause I'm getting tired of typing greenie, green-ete, etc) falls flat onto the ground tiredly. Making All Might come back saying "People move these every day you know? And most of them don't even have any super-strength"

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