Chapter 2: A Living Nightmare

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Kekkan falls to his knees holding his head screaming in pain. And those of Class 1-A who were there turned concerned glances toward his. The only acceptation being Izuku who quickly dashed over to him; as Aizawa, their teacher, was trying to deal with as many villains as he could. This being because even in the short time they'd known each other Kekkan and Izuku had become great friends, and he was severely concerned for what is happening to Kekkan.

But before long Kekkan's hands fall to his sides and stands up, at that same time Aizawa was thrown to the side by Nomu who ran straight for Izuku ready to kill him. But just before Nomu's fist connected with Izuku's chest Kekkan shoves him out of the way taking the hit, feeling it crack multiple ribs.

Izuku still regaining his bearings after being pushed aside he sees Kekkan fly across his eyes before hitting the USJ's front wall, no doubt injuring his arms and, or back.

Kekkan pushing through the pain stood up, feeling his broken ribs stab into him and his now broken shoulder try to bare the weight of pushing himself up. Everyone else seeming to be on autopilot as their eyes fill with dread and fear, seeing their classmate be flung across the area.

Kekkan then began to use his Blood Manipulation quirk so he could move his shoulder properly and try to mend his broken ribs the best he can with only blood. The formerly mentioned then flew forward slamming back into Nomu at 2 times the speed and strength Nomu had to him. This managing to blow Nomu back both a couple feet, as well as a huge hole in his stomach where Kekkan had impacted. Which just quickly regenerated.

Shigaraki being utterly stunned at what had just occurred. Not only had this, this child, took a full force punch from Nomu. Who was meant to be stronger than All Might, and live! But also blew a hole straight through the former and pushed him back multiple feet which even All Might wasn't supposed to be able to do.

Shigaraki then deciding to take matters into his own hand as he walked closer and closer to Izuku Midoriya, who was still frozen watching what just occurred. Ready to disintegrate this child, who appeared to be All Might's successor. Even though he wasn't a fraction of how strong he could tell Kekkan was.

The same time Shigaraki's hand landed on Izuku's head Aizawa's limo and nearly dead body looked up making sure Izuku wouldn't die. Which made Tomura sick Nomu on him. Being clearly satisfied he was about to kill two individuals who All Might appeared to care about.

In this fraction of a moment before Aizawa would be killed and Izuku's face and self would be disintegrated Kekkan had to make the most important choice in his entire life. Either to save his best friend, who later that day he was going to ask out for the first time. Or Shoto Aizawa, the man who guided, teaches and inspired so so many people and students who would later become great heroes.

One small moment before Kekkan was planning on doing something that would end in the other two being safe, but leaving himself dead. Kurogiri came up behind him, knocking him out with a single punch and portal-ed Kekkan away.


Kekkan awoke the next day in a cold sweat, and quickly stood up not knowing where he was nor the fates of Izuku, Aizawa, and the rest of his classmates.

Well, at least until a tv clicked on coming to life showing a broadcast of what had happened the previous day.
The headline read

UA Class 1-A's Midoriya Izuku revealed dead after devastating battle at the USJ, one student still missing...

Kekkan's knees buckled and made him fall to them as his eyes too, began to betray him tears welling up in them, dripping to the cold stone floor.

Kekkan was startled as he then heard the clacking of shoes that seemed to be getting closer and closer. As well as a bright light getting closer at the same pace, eventually engulfing him as the clacking came to an end right behind him.

A second later a gloved band landed on Kekkan's non-broken shoulder, seeming to soothe Kekkan for an unknown reason, so much that the former fell into a deep slumber once more.

A/n: Damn- this his me in the feels when I was writing it. Wasn't planning on writing another chapter for this till my birthday but I got sudden inspiration. Don't worry- our little bean Izu-kun won't be dead for long, or will he?
All sadness and jokes aside I'm sorry that these chapters are short and specifically this one not completely going in the same way that the episode did. As I wrote it without reference. So sorry if it's bad-
But I can't do much without help- which no one apparently wants to give which I mean, rip, but I'm still trying. I'll try and update soon but no promises till then- peace!

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