Rewrite Chapter 1

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All I remember is a loud crash then...


Pain and Cold and Tiredness...

The cold metal against my neck...

The frigid rain raining down on me as I try to understand what is happening...

The urge to give in to the darkness is too strong and I begin to lose consciousness until...


I groan putting my arm up to block the blinding light coming from the sunlight streaming through my window through the open curtains that I forgot to close last night. I lazily roll over grabbing my blanket and pulling it over my face and curl into a ball wanting to go back to sleep.

Well, that is until my alarm starts blaring and I sleepily reach out my hand searching for my phone to turn it off. My hand padding around till I find the corner of my bedside drawer and from there move my hand up and grab my phone, reluctantly lifting the blanket from my face and sitting up. Bringing the phone into my line of sight and finally turn off the alarm and check the time. seeing that it was already 6 am I quickly throw myself out of bed running to the bathroom and taking a quick shower, making sure not to accidentally use my quirk and freeze or boil it as I have before, though to be fair those last nights had been shitty.

But anywho, I get out of the shower this time purposefully using my quirk to dry myself off and create a small circle of wind around my hair to quickly dry it as well. Walking out of the bathroom I go to the closet and pick out my favorite outfit, a large hoodie (usually black) and jeans (also usually black) before grabbing shoes and slipping them on as I run towards the window and jump out it before creating a pocket of updraft allowing me to fly, technically glide, onto the roof of my apartment building.

I then sit down on the ledge and look at the sky as I make the clouds dance around, looking down into the street I see groups of people looking to the sky confused about what was happening to the clouds.

I snicker before pushing my feet back against the outer wall sending me flying down towards the ground bringing a smile to my face as I feel the air blow past me. I quickly pull up my hood raise the mask from the bottom to cover the bottom half of my face, and right before I hit the ground I go into the stereotypical superhero landing and then hit the ground. Sending dust around me flying up and causing the people walking by to scream in surprise before I stand up and making my back sprout wings, which I'll admit hurts like hell but it feels awesome flying. Once they are out I stretch them out as it's been a long time since I've had them out then fold them in and against my back, I then turn and wave at a kid I see staring at me across the street, probably thinks I'm a hero.

Once more I stretch out my wings this time to full length and take off into the air and start flying around the city, normally I would help wherever I can if I saw something wrong. But recently the heroes and police have been trying to arrest me for my vigilante-ing or something like that so I've been laying low for a while and as I said before, only interfering when the threat is something that most heroes aren't able to handle. Mid-flight I look around and see a pretty big sludge-like monster surrounded my fire and chaos, and I wasn't sure from up here but it looked like it was wrapping itself around someone.

Confirming my suspicion I hear the hero DeathArms yell, "It's taken someone hostage!" before they charge in and say "How dare you prey on a child?!", before trying to punch it causing his arm to get stuck. At least until it smacks him away into a wall making a large dent in it. Making another hero run up and ask if he was ok, and they too get smacked, punched?, hard to tell when its literally a sludge monster. Making the monster respond with a "Stay back or I'll snap his neck!" and after that horrible statement, the hostage rips himself out and starts yelling and making explosions from his hands.

And at this point I'm considering stepping in seeing as every hero there is unable to do anything to properly help them because of how their quirks work. By now the chaos from earlier has turned into carnage because of the kid throwing out one explosion after another causing smoke and fire to fly around basically everywhere in its vicinity. And I almost did step in until another kid, this one had crazy green hair although it looked tamer than the blond hostage's spikey hair- that's beside the point. Who ran up and threw his backpack at the sludge's eye stunning it then began clawing at it to try and get the blond out of its slimy hold and just as it was about to slam its arm down onto the kid something sends dust flying out.

As the dust settled it was revealed to be All Might who by the looks of the smoke coming off of him, as well as the blood that just spurted from his mouth, was either at his time limit or past it. And his interference honestly surprised me, I thought he wouldn't have been able to do anything seeing as just a few seconds ago he was clutching his injury and looked like he was internally yelling at himself. Now he was properly yelling, but this time instead of scolding himself for not acting, he was yelling his almost definitely copywritten by this time in his hero-ing career,

"DETROIT SSSSSSSMMMMAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" as he slams his fist into the sludge and pulls the two kids out of harm's way in his other hand, the punch caused huge gusts of wind to go bellowing out around them. Forcing Mount Lady to crouch down and put her arms in front of the civilians so they don't go flying away from the wind speed and force, which was incredibly strong as he just created a tornado until it dissipated and rain started to fall.

Later when the police arrived to wrap up and take away the sludge villain I glided down onto a nearby rooftop only to see the green-haired kid being scolded for helping while the blond was getting praised for his quirk and bravery, and man did that tick me off I definitely would've flown down and slapped the scolding heroes if I wouldn't have been arrested on sight.


A few hours later of me just flying the whole time I spot greenie and then blond walking away leaving the green-ete alone until All Might walks up in muscle form and flexes till he deflates again as they continue talking. The only thing I hear is All Might saying "Young man, you too can become a hero." which caused the kid to go to his knees balling his eyes out, and "I deem you worthy of my power, my quirk is yours to inherit."

After that its all gibberish to me, the only thing I can make out is All Might saying something only to be interrupted by him coughing out blood. And of course, he went on the rant about his quirk causing greenie to go into a muttering rant, blah blah blah. When they were finally done talking and the green kid walked away I flew down behind All Might and pull off my hood and face mask.

I try saying something before I go into a coughing fit making All Might turn around and stare at me. I try again, "Damnit I wanted to come up behind you and say something cool like in the movies well guess the moment is ruined now."

And of course, Toshinori responded by saying "You shouldn't come up behind people like that, Young Ketsueki" which instantly made me roll my eyes knowing that he's done that same thing to me a million times.

"Anyways, so your picking that kid to be your successor? He ain't a bad choice but I have to warn you, that kid's story has yet to be told, no way to know how it may end up..."


A/N: YOOOOOOoooooo I finally wrote the first rewrite chapter sorry if it's not good and that nothing is really happening, just wait till the next chapter which will hopefully be up soon. Also, i haven't edited this yet so sorry for any bad grammar. And yall can say anything in the comments idrc

Till the Next Communion

Forgotten [BNHA x Male OC]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora