Short Chapter 1

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(No one's POV)
Kekkan Ketsueki lands on a rooftop changing his appearance from one of All Might to himself after taking down some villains for the real All Might. Barely managing to stay standing with how tired and wobbly he is. The pain of using Toshinori's quirk not helping.
"You did well Young Ketsueki"
Kekkan jumps after hearing Toshi's voice behind him. Having not noticed him when he landed.
"I really don't understand why you keep trying to be a hero Toshi. You can retire!! I could be the Symbol of Peace for you, hell I can even pass on your quirk!"
Y/n stated slightly agitated at Toshi, but also worried for continuing to put himself through the pressure of keeping his true self hidden from the public.
"You can't lie to me Kakkan. I know how much it takes out of you to use my quirk. Especially while looking like me. You have to stop doing it."
"You want me to stop being a hero?! Toshi, we both know you can't stop me even at more than 100%. Even if you tried is it worth it if you loose too much strength to carry on being the Symbol?"
Kekkan turns around to look at Toshinori's disappointed face. Which was also filled with regret and pain.
"Yes, I may not be able to take you. Even he wouldn't be able to beat you now. But you're still not supposed to do this. You have to get a license."
Kekkan stares at Toshi dumbfounded at his most recent statement. Remembering he didn't know all the truth about him and his past. Beginning to think up a way to respond, struggling to find a anything to say that wouldn't come out weird or crude.
"Toshi, I already have a license to do hero work! I have for much longer than you have."
"Yes you do, one that is from 1967, which doesn't even have your face on it."
The Young (but actually really old) Ketsueki stays silent contemplating why the hell he still carried that license around if he couldn't even use it.
"Don't you think people would be suspicious of that if they saw it? Just go to UA, get your license again. Or hell, become assistant teacher. Either way you need to get a new license so you don't get arrested doing this."
Kekkan sighs and turns away saying bye to Toshi before using some rando's quirk he saw to teleport to his apartment. He then fell back thinking he was in front of his bed, but instead fell back onto hard wood flooring.
He stands up brushing dust off of him from the ground.
"I still need to work the kinks in that quirk out."

Just a little thing I wanted to write to explain a little bit more of Kekkan Ketsueki's quirk.
But if the chapter couldn't explain it well enough, which it probably didn't since I suck at writing. Basically when he copies another quirk he copies it in the stage or progression that it was in when he saw it. So if he saw young Katsuki use his quirk, he'd copy that quirk as it is when Katsuki used it. So he'd still have to train and advance his knowledge and control of it. And especially with Toshinori's quirk he gets really worn out and if used for too long will begin to die. And will die if used for over 5 minutes
Anyways that's it for this short chapter 1 see you when I get a whim of inspiration again. I will probably release a Prologue explaining some of Kekkan's past (unless you people want me to reveal it later in the story when most climactic)

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