chapter seven

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Kageyama opened the door to Hinata's room.

"Hey, soup's ready." He handed one bowl to Hinata as well as a small spoon. 

"Thanks, Kageyama-kun."

"Don't thank me, thank your mom. She made it."

"Oh, they're back? I didn't hear anyone come in. Strange."

They ate their soup in silence.

Kageyama looked over at Hinata as he watched him drink the broth.

Damn it. My stupid blushing made this awkward.

Hinata looked up at Kageyama and noticed his staring.

Oh, shit! Kageyama thought to himself as he shot his head back down.

"You're weird, Kageyama." Hinata giggled.

There's that laugh again.

Kageyama sighed. "Shut up, you idiot."

Minutes passed before Hinata began to talk again.

"Sorry if I made things awkward, Kageyama-kun." Hinata stared back at him.


"Well, I don't know, you blushed, and I thought that maybe you liked me."

Kageyama's eyes widened.

"I-" As soon as he looked up, he noticed Hinata shivering.

"Hey, are you cold? Put the soup down, I'll take your temperature again."

Hinata sighed. "Stop worrying."

Kageyama frowned. "How could I not worry? You're such a dumb ass, you're gonna get yourself killed."


"Shh. Open."

Before he could oppose, Kageyama slid the thermometer underneath his tongue as he held Hinata's head in place.

It read:

102° F

Kageyama sighed. "Damn, it hasn't gone down yet. You should try to rest now, it's getting late."

"Fine." Hinata lay down as Kageyama put another blanket overtop him. Next he turned down the lights.

Once the lights were off, Kageyama heard Hinata speak.

"Hey, I never got blankets or anything for the floor."

"It's okay. I'll just-"

"Lay here with me."


"Come in here. Just lay with me."

Kageyama figured he couldn't argue with that.


He got in and lay awkwardly by the other small boy's side.

He noticed that Hinata was already off to sleep by a little snore.

He talks and snores in his sleep? 

Jesus he's adorable.

But one thing Kageyama couldn't ever prepare himself for, was when Hinata, still completely asleep, wrapped his arms and legs around him.


Oh no. Oh god. He's so fucking cute.

"I... love..."

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