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Sitting back on te arm chair with one leg over the other and a paint brush in his hand he inspected the painting in front of him. It was gorgeous. Absolutely magnificent. Not the painting. The boy in the painting.

With feathery burrente hair and small fragile body. Skin so smooth he thinks as if he would run a finger down his skin it would just scar. Those cheekbones sharp and smooth as well as the thin yet plumb red pinkish lips.

And his god dammed blue eyes his eyes looked like they were touched by the storm clouds he never saw any emotions in them other than contempt. But now they embraced the wind a brief gust before returning to a calm sea.

He was just beautiful. Agnellino.

Marcel Styles put down the brush as he got up and picked up the white cloth and covered the painting behind it. So no one can give te beauty an evil eye.

He walked out the room and passed hall by hall as he reached his older brother's study. He knocked three times before entering without taking permission knowing his brother won't get mad at him.

"Brother how are you doing" he asked as his brother Edward with his golden hair pulled up in a bun as he went working on some papers. And his second oldest brother Harry sitting comfortably in the arm chair with Evie a black cat sitting on his lap as he gently stroked his soft fur. Letting out small purrs.

"I'm doing good how are you" He asked as he left his paper work and gave his attention to his brother.

"I'm doing good too. I thought today was our day to spend time together and not work" He said and he sat down beside Harry and Evie climbing into his lap. Doing the same thing Harry was doing.

"Well you were locked in your art room the entire time and were doing god knows what. Who were you paid ting this time" He questions as Marcel looks up and a frown began to appear on his god like face.

"Don't know just painted someone unknown" he said and continued on. "Hold on I will bring the painting" and ran off.

"Something is wrong with this kid" Harry said with a chuckle as he picked up Evie and put down the book in it's shelf where he picked it put from and stood by the window.

"I don't know what wrong with him"

"Brother do you think we will be able to fine our mate in the gala" He said as Edward looked at him softly and nodded as Marcel barged into the room with a large canvas covered with a white cloth.

"Its not dried yet but enough to touch it gently" he said as he put down the canvas and removed the cloth.

Both brother's were shocked at the such beauty Marcel painted.

"Is he real" Harry asked as he let down Evie and both brothers walked towards the painting. Harry crouched down as Marcel chuckled

"Yes he is I saw him at the forest picking up roses. Isn't he beautiful. I feel like its out mate but I didn't smell anything since I was far away." He said as he stared at the painting with magical eyes.

"Hmm he is quite a beauty what is his name" Edward asked touching the part where his sharp cheekbone was painted.

"I don't know maybe we have to ask Zayn to look for him."

"Hmm call him" Edward says. As Marcel walks out the room and calls for Zayn.

"Yes my Lords you have called for me" He said as he bowed his raven hair falling to his forhead.

"Zayn c'mere this boy find his identity and bring it to us make sure you find everything bout him if not there will be consequences" Edward voice dark and deep.

As Zayn looked at the picture once his photographic mind capturing the painting and keeping it in his mind.

"Yes my lord I will. Do I have to bring the boy as well" He said as Harry looked at him. Weirdly.

"No we said just his identity" he said as Zayn once again bowed as he was bout to go Edward called for him.

"And make sure to give him the invitation" He said.

"Yes my lord anything else" He said as They shook their heads.

They had to meet this beauty in person.

OCEAN EYES • LOUIS×STYLES TRIPLETSWhere stories live. Discover now