18. Preparing for the dark

Start from the beginning

Both of them let out the breath they didn't know they were holding. Steve smiled and thanked Jiaying again and again. Tony promised to help her if she was ever in need of anything.

She smiled. "You both are most welcome. But now I have work, I have to leave."

They left her office and walked down the corridor. They both had a giddy smile plastered to their face. To the onlookers they would look like two foolish men but they didn't care. They were going to win. They exited the hospital and walked to the parking. Once near the car, Tony left a small shout of victory. An old man who was crossing their car gave tony a weird look. "This is hospital. Not a theatre young man."

"Oh Sorry. My husband just woke up from coma after 70 years. Taking him home." Tony cracked pointing at Steve.

The old man shook his head in disappointment, "You both are going to hell for that" he shouted angrily.

Tony just laughed to himself as he pulled his car out of the drive way and drove off into the road. "You being in coma for 70 years wasn't a hard for him but the possibility of us being husbands is offensive" laughed Tony.

"Yeah, homophobic ass."

"I half thought of showing him my fangs and say I just came from hell"

"He would have had a heart attack on the spot."

"I would say good riddance."

"Couldn't agree more. Humans need to change a lot. I have been around for long to know that humans haven't progressed much. On Science, they have reached a higher level but on humanity they have got long way to go."

After dropping Tony, Steve deposited the folder in the security vault of his home. Later he drove to The Rogers Innovative to begin the new day.

When Steve entered his office, Pietro jumped from his place in front of Steve. "I have got good news to cheer up this gloomy atmosphere. Guess what?" Pietro spurted out. Without allowing Steve to answer he ranted on, "Coulson says that I am getting promoted to Level 2." He punched the air. "Can you believe it? I will be Agent Maximoff, Level 2"

"Congrats in advance?" Steve laughed.

"The investigation me and Thompson conducted had some pretty good info. And Coulson was impressed by our work."

"I know you will make it one day. I never doubted you" he smiled.

Pietro's face dropped. "But I didn't believe in you always. I thought it was Tony behind the smuggling and you and Natasha were behind feral attack. I thought you guys tried to kill me."

"It's okay, kid."

Pietro gleamed like a small kid.


The sun peeked out of the horizon, starting a new day. Work at Rogers Innovative went on as usual. Pietro didn't report to work, he stayed there. Natasha still hadn't shown up and Steve was becoming more worried. But she is the second most powerful vampire in America, she will be safe he thought. Everything else was just the same. But no one was able to fully concentrate on their work but they made it through the day. Even though they had three votes against Rumlow's one they were scared.

Pietro was the one who didn't seem much affected. He lounged in Steve's office all morning. He was bothering Steve with all kind of questions related to vampire world while Steve answered him patiently.

"That weird drink you gave me, how did you guys come up with that?"

"Loki created it. The first vampire turned five humans into vampires. Only they had immunity against going feral. Others easily succumbed to the blood thirst and detached themselves from their human life. As the generation progresses, chance of becoming feral increases. For a long time, only the ancient vampires existed. Then Loki invented an antidote 'Draught of Frost blood' which helped newer ones."

"Who's Loki, man?"

"Founder of American civilization"

Their conversation was interrupted by sudden opening of the door. Steve frowned at the man who had entered. He was one of Rumlow's clan. He gave the scroll to Steve. When Steve was reading the message, the man gave a calculating look at Pietro.

Steve noticed it and said to Pietro, "Pietro, excuse us." Pietro gave a nod and walked out. Steve read the scroll. As expected, it was the calling for council meeting to try Tony's case.

Pietro went to his sister's officer. But got chased out when he kept accidently knocking things of her desk. He went to Howard's lab to talk with him. When he entered, Howard was sleeping on the couch. He didn't want to disturb him so he left. Then he went to Coulson's office.

He talked with Coulson non-stop. Coulson shared with him the stories of his early field days. Coulson had a meeting in the afternoon but Pietro stayed in his office while Coulson attended. Coulson returned from his meeting to see Pietro sleeping in his chair with his leg on the table. Hearing Coulson entering, Pietro woke up startled.

"I think we've been spending too much time together." Pietro lowered his legs. Coulson continued angrily, "I'm the Director of S.T.A.K.E. Remember that."

Pietro stiffened. He stood up, "Sorry, sir."

Coulson laughed, "Sorry. I have always wanted to do that. I saw the opportunity and couldn't help. Strangely, it didn't feel like myself."

Pietro relaxed. He chatted with Coulson for some time and went to the VIP lounge. He watched TV for the rest of the day. After the office hours, Pietro took a blood pack form Steve's freezer and returned to his position in front of the TV. His fangs descended and he bit through the blood packet. He was drinking blood when the door opened and Piper entered. Pietro panicked. He feared that he had been caught.

"Calm down. I'm also a vampire." Piper said. "It was fun seeing you panic though."

Pietro smiles sheepishly in response.

"Steve left and he asked me to baby-sit you. Everyone else is in Steve's office. Let's head there."

Pietro and Piper went to Steve's office and joined the others.


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