Harry got back into the drivers seat, looking frustrated. He ran a hand over his face and groaned.

"Girlfriend problems?" Draco asked, trying to mask the heartbreak slowly seeping into his voice.

"Girlfriend?" Harry laughed. "God, no. Just one of my best friends, known each other since elementary school."

"Oh, okay. Cool." Draco sighed, relief washing over him. No girlfriend, no problems. Draco still had a shot.


The pair stood in line at the checkout, a jug of milk in Draco's arms. This felt so couple-ish, with Harry in civilian clothes. Draco could feel people's eyes on them, perhaps the regulars at the grocery store were surprised to see him "unsupervised".

"Just this for you, hun?" The middle aged woman working the till asked. She pointedly looked at the jug in Draco's arms, and then to the growing lineup behind him.

"Oh! Yes, it is, thank you." Draco hurriedly set the milk down for her to scan. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and looked for the credit card he wanted to use.

"I've got it." Harry said, reaching across Draco and tapping his card on the machine. "After all, I'm the one who suggested it."

Draco's cheeks felt flaming hot and he seemed to have forgotten how to speak. He nodded awkwardly.

"Thank you." He mumbled. Harry placed a hand on the small of Draco's back and guided him out of the store.

They didn't speak the entire drive back to the Manor. Draco was too bewildered and felt really very shy at the moment. And Harry, well, who knows what was going on with Harry. His mouth was set in a hard line and his eyes never left the road.

Harry seemed to relax slightly once they were inside.

"Sit." He told Draco, casually pointing to the kitchen table. "I'll do it. Coffee or tea?"

"Tea, please." Draco squeaked. He stared at Harry with wide eyes as the raven haired man made his way round the kitchen, finding everything he needed without any trouble. Draco was surprised at first, before remembering that Harry had searched through the drawers and cupboards before.

Harry shuffled towards the table, his tongue poking out slight as he focused on not spilling their hot drinks.

"So..." Draco began. He hated small talk. "Has work been busy?"

"Not in the way I'd like it to be." Harry said with a sigh. "I mostly do other people's paperwork, finish up their files and such. Coming here is the most exciting part of the week."

Draco felt himself fill with pride. Harry found him exciting.

"How much longer are you doing these... rookie tasks, you called it?"

"Probably for the rest of the year. It's sort of annoying, considering my dad was their boss not so long ago. I shouldn't be expecting special treatment though, I guess."

"Your dad's retired now?" Draco placed his chin in his hand, looking at Harry intently.

"Um, no. No, he's not retired." Harry cleared his throat and avoided Draco's gaze. "He's, uh, he's dead."

Neither of them spoke for a few moments.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Harry." Draco said softly. "What happened? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Tom Riddle happened." Harry snapped, his demeanour changing instantly. Draco felt his heart drop to his stomach. He felt very nervous, uneasy.

"Oh." Was all he could say.

"Dad was investigating him and his inner circle. He got a little bit too close, I guess." Harry's voice was shaky. "They came to our house one night... I was still in school, living with them. Found him and mom when I came home from a party."

"Harry, I'm so sorry. I... I don't know what to say."

"I should've been there. I should've been home. Maybe that would've made a difference, I could've helped them. Saved mom, at least." Harry's eyes welled with tears. "That's why I was so hard on you."

"My father... He was there, wasn't he?" Draco's heart pounded and his chest felt tight.

"Yes." Harry said quietly. "My parent's murder is one of the charges keeping him in prison, for life."

"Why are you here, then? Being friendly, I mean." Draco asked incredulously.

"I accepted this job, keeping tabs on you, because I wanted to see you in person. I wanted to see this mansion, that housed one of my parent's killers." Harry's voice was hard but his eyes were gentle.


"And then I met you. I read your file about a thousand times, and I came to the conclusion that you are not like your father. You didn't have a choice." Harry stared at the mug cradled in his hands. "You're good, Draco. I can see that now."

Draco didn't know what to say. He felt as though he could break down in tears. Too scared to even try to speak, he reached across the table and placed his hand on Harry's. For a moment, it felt warm and comfortable and right. Then, as though a switch had flipped, Harry pulled away and stood swiftly.

"I should go." He said quickly. And then he was gone.

Draco watched him drive away through the window. Only once Harry was out of sight did Draco allow himself to cry.

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