Awake and Confused

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Harry's POV:

The last thing that Harry remembered was that he had seen a arm swing around his body and his body feeling warm and then blacking out.

Harry rolled over to see someone unexpected. It was Malfoy. But why did he save him? Why him of all people? Harry did have a crush on Draco though. Harry thought to himself.

"he looks so calm when he's asleep"

He watched as the blond slytherins hair fell on his face and his chest slowly rising and his little snores he had.
Harry then heard a few mumbles and groans and saw a very sleepy and cute Draco Malfoy wake up next to him.

"Hey sleepy head" Harry whispered

"Hey messy head" Draco said with a smirk, reaching a hand to his head, it sure was in an untidy state.

Harry looked down at his arm and then went back to his depressed state, he remembered.

remembered the cold going through his skin, the warmth of the liquid slowly dripping down his arm. It went deep. deep enough to make him pass out.

Harry didn't realise but he was now sobbing, not loud just a small sob. He had his head in his arms, his tears stinging his eyes and his glasses fogging up. Harry felt two arms grab him and hug him.

"Holy fuck, I'm getting hugged by my crush"

Harry relaxed in the warm embrace, and let his head fall into his torso.

Dracos POV:

Draco woke up to a lovely set of green emerald eyes looking at him, His eyesight still blurry though but the green cut through the barrier.

"Hey sleepy head" A voice said to him.

Draco suddenly heard and blushed.

"Hey messy hair" he said back with a smirk.

Draco noticed as the boy started blushing a deep rose red. Draco found it so adorable.

"How does he manage to look so cute even when he's fucking blushing"

Draco was lost in his thoughts when he heard quiet sobs form next to him. He snapped back into reality and saw as Harry had his face in his arms and tears slides down his face, Draco couldn't bear to watch anymore. When Harry was still in the head faced down position. Draco took the chance and slowly hugged him.

Draco then felt one pair of arms connect around him too, and a head relax in his chest. He watched as Harry just quietly sobbed into him.

The Uncalled connectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora