Cricket's Head Injury! (Interactive Short) (Part 1)

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It was a normal morning, and the Cricket and Tilly were playing hide and seek. Cricket was hiding, as Tilly counted.

"1... 2... 3... 4..." She counted.

Cricket tried not to laugh, as he was looking for a hiding spot.
He stopped inside his room, but thought it was too obvious, so he ran off once more.

Behind the couch? No, Under the table? Nah, Behind the TV?... Yeah!

Cricket ran to hide behind the TV, snickering. He tried not to laugh, as he was trying to hide.

"11... 12... 13... 14... 15! Ready if not, here I come!" Tilly cheered.

Tilly then hopped to her feet and started to look around. She headed into the bedroom, where she looked under the bunkbed, then in the hammock, And more places.
Cricket then chuckled, as he saw that his sister was having a hard time finding him. He heard his sister walk back into the living room, and he ducked down behind the TV.

"Oh, Criiickeeet!" Tilly called out.

Cricket giggled a little loudly, with Tilly hearing him, she then smirked.

"I can hear you, brother!" She said.

Tilly then looked under the couch, with Cricket watching, and trying his hardest not to laugh.
Tilly reached under the couch, and retrieved something, she then grabbed and examined it, revealing to be an old Tennis Ball. She threw it behind her, hitting the TV, causing it to shake. She continued to reach under the couch.

After a few more seconds, she retrieved another item, this time, it was an old battery. Again, she threw it at the TV, which shook once more. Cricket didn't notice, and continued to watch his sister.

"Oh, Cricket! Come out!" She said, playfully.

Cricket then slowly walked out from behind the TV, waiting for Tilly to find him.
However, the next item Tilly pulled out, a screwdriver, she threw it behind her, with it hitting the TV, this time making a loud banging noise.

"Huh?" Cricket and Tilly curiously asked.

The TV then wobbled, and fell right on Cricket's head, causing him to fall to the floor.
Tilly gasped in horror.

"Oh my gosh! Cricket!" She called out.

She ran to her brother's aid, and lifted the TV off his head. She then softly shook Cricket, trying to awaken him. After a few seconds, Cricket woke up, relieving Tilly.

"A-Are you alright, brother?" She asked, concerned.

Cricket smiled and chuckled.

"Aw, don't be silly, I've taken thing harder to the noggin than that." Cricket replied.

Tilly helped him get to his feet, as he rubbed his head.

"Maybe we should play a game that's... less dangerous?" Tilly suggested.

"Eh, I'm tired of these 'ol baby games, I'll just head outside." Cricket replied.

Cricket then turned and walked off, only to run into the wall and fell.

"Ack!" He yelped.

He got up and dusted himself off.

"When did this wall get put here?" He asked.

He then wobbled off, causing Tilly to worry.

------What Should Tilly Do?------

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