Pet Communicator (Interactive Short) (Part 1)

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It was a normal day, and the Greens were delivering to Gwendolyn Zapp's Tech building. Bill drove into the parking lot, as he undid his seat belt, and got out of the truck.

"Alrighty! This is the last stop for the day! Gwendolyn is the last customer for the day." Bill said.

Bill was about to close the door, when Cricket spoke up.

"Can I help carry the boxes inside?!" He asked.

Bill frowned at him.

"No! Everytime anyone goes in, you always cause chaos!" Bill said.

"What?! That's NOT true!" Gramma yelled.

"Lies!" Cricket exclaimed.

Tilly wasn't arguing, just listening.

"How can ya call it lies?! Your always there!" Bill said.

"Still lies!" Cricket cried out.

"Look, everyone stays here while I deliver the veggies!" Bill said.

And just like that, the three were arguing, all the while, Tilly just sat and listened.
The three argued over eachother, making it hard to understand eachother.

After about a few seconds, Tilly spoke up.

"I could do it." She said.

Everyone immediately looked at her.

"Tilly, no offense, but you get easily distracted." Bill replied.

Tilly shook her head softly.

"Don't worry, papa! I've been practicing to keep my attention on what I need to do!" Tilly replied.

Bill thought for a moment, before nodding.

"Alrighty! I guess it's worth a shot... these two'll just get distracted." Bill replied.

Cricket and Gramma frowned angrily at him.
Tilly hopped out of the truck, then grabbed the box of veggies from out of the back of the truck, then smiled at Bill.

"Don't worry, papa! I promise to not get distracted!" Tilly said.

Moments later, she walked into the building, only to almost drop the box, but she held on.

She gasped, as she was awestruck what was inside.

"Oh... my... gravy..." She muttered.

Inside, was tons of animals, which were either in pens, or on leashes. Being the animal lover, she was in paradise at that moment. However, she remembered that she promised Bill to not get distracted, and she shook her head, trying to get the animals off her mind.

"I mustn't get distracted!" She said.

She then looked straight, and walked off. It was a little difficult, since animals were walking around freely, and walking in front of her.

"Don't get distracted... Don't get distracted... Don't get distracted... Don't get distracted..." She chanted in her head.

After a few seconds of walking, she saw Gwendolyn, who was speaking on stage.

"Hello! And thank you for bringing your pets for my newest invention!" Gwendolyn Zapp said.

Tilly curiously placed the box of veggies down, then walked into the crowd, then sat down.
A few Rabbits and Goats ate the box of veggies after she placed them down.

"My latest invention! Called "Pet Communicator" is a collar you can put on your pet, and allow them to speak to you! It's mechanics will help your pet understand you, too! So you can have full conversations with your pets!" She explained.

Tilly gasped in amazement, as everyone else cheered, as they held their pets.

"This is the best day of my life..." Tilly muttered.

Somebody brought up a Cat, and placed them on the nearby counter. Gwendolyn put the collar on the cat, then pressed the "on" button.

"All the animal has to do is talk in their normal animal ways, then the translator will make it human!" Gwendolyn said.

Moments later, the cat meowed, and a voice spoke from the collar.

"I hate it here..." The collar spoke.

Everyone gasped and clapped, amazed.
Tilly, however, was the most impressed, as she slowly brought up Bill's wallet, having taken it for this exact moment.

Meanwhile, Cricket and Bill were still arguing, as Gramma was listening to the radio.

"Why do you trust Tilly more than me?!" Cricket asked.

"Because Tilly is the oldest and most responsible!" Bill replied.

"That's baloney!" Cricket said.

"CRICKET! LANGUAGE!" Bill cried.

Moments later, Tilly head popped up on the window, startling everyone.

"LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT!" She cried.

Everyone shrieked, startled.

"Tilly! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Cricket said.

She quickly jumped in the truck, then put a smaller box beside of her.

"Gwendolyn Zapp invented a new invention, and I believe it's the best one yet." She said.

"No! No! No! No! No! No!" Everyone said.

"No, Tilly! No more inventions!" Bill said.

Cricket and Gramma agreed.

"But, papa! This one's different! It helps Animals speak like us!" Tilly said.

The truck went quiet, before everyone started laughing.

"Pffft! HaHaHaHa!" Everyone laughed.

"Tilly, I hate to break it to you, but I believe Gwendolyn finally lost it, and ya got scammed." Cricket said.

Tilly frowned.

"No! It really works! I saw it!" Tilly said.

Gramma rolled her eyes, as she scoffed.

"Scammed..." She said.

"Wait, whered you get money for that?" Bill asked.

"I traded your entire wallet." Tilly replied.

"WHAT?!" Bill cried.

------Which Animal Should Tilly Try the Collar on?------

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