Cricket Bites Bill (Short) (Part 1) -Blood Warning-

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Cricket was sitting on the Couch, Watching TV.

Bill then walked in, startling Cricket, and he started to run off.

Bill - "Whoa, Whoa!"

Cricket stopped running, and turned to Bill.

Cricket - "Hm?"

Bill - "Just came over to say you win, I won't force you to get a flu shot."

Cricket - "oh, why thanks. I appreciate that."

Cricket then sat back down, with Bill sitting beside him.
The two then watched TV.

Bill smiled, and sighed.

Bill - "it's nice to watch TV when ya have nothing else to do, isn't it?"

Cricket turned to him.

Cricket - "Yeah."

The two sat and watched TV, quietly and Peacefully.

Bill jumped onto Cricket, startling him.

Bill - "Get over here!"

Cricket - "Augh! Get off me!"

Bill - No! I'm STILL in charge of you! And I say you're getting that flu shot!"

Cricket - "Never!"

Bill grabbed Cricket, and held him down, grabbing the Needle the Doctor gave him.
He then Pinned the Flu Shot in Crickets Arm, making Cricket Feel a pinch in his arm.

Cricket - "Ack!"

Cricket then became angry, and Bit Bills Arm with his two sharp Buck-Teeth.

Bill shrieked in pain, and got off Cricket.
He looks at his arm, with a big bite mark covering his arm, with some blood amerging from the wound.

Bill - "W-What the heck? Y-You bite me."

Cricket frowned angrily at him.

Cricket - "Ya darn right I did! And I'll do it again if you ever get near me with another needle!"

Bill - "B-But Cricket, the doctor said-!"

Before Bill could finish his sentence, Cricket Snapped at him with his teeth, frowning angrily.

Bill screamed, and ran off.

Bill - "AH!"

Cricket then spit some of Bill's blood off his teeth, and jumped back on the Couch, starting to watch TV Again.

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