The Firework Incident (Short)

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It was the 4th of July, and Bill gave the Kids some Pop-Its.

Tilly and Cricket were confused, as they didn't know what the mini boxes were.

"Papa, What are these?" Tilly asked.

"They're Pop-it's!" Bill replied.

Cricket shook the box, trying to figure out what the heck it was.

"Is it for you're tongue so it doesn't get cold at night?" Cricket Asked.

"No, they're like mini Fireworks! They make a Loud Pop sound when you throw them at a hard surface!" Bill replied.

The Two looked at eachother, smiling in excitement.

Cricket and Tilly then reached into the Mini boxes, grabbing some little bomb like things, they looked as they were just crumbled up pieces of tinfoil.

"Uh, papa? These don't look like any fireworks I've ever seen." Tilly said, looking at the mini Bombs.

"That's because these are a different kind of firework, try and throw them on the ground.

Tilly shrugged, and picked up one of the pop-it's, only to be met with a big 'Pop' noise.

"AAAHHHH!!" Tilly exclaimed.

Cricket heard the same 'Pop' noise, and streamed as well.

"AAAHHHH!!" Cricket screamed.

The two ran around, panicking.

"Oh my gosh! The ground is tryin' to eat us!" Cricket exclaimed.

"No! No! It was the Pop-It! It makes that noise when it hits the ground." Bill said.

Cricket and Tilly, hiding behind the Treehouse, slowly walked back to Bill, taking his word for it.

"You mean that little thing made that racket?" Cricket asked.

"Yes, son! That's what they do." Bill replied.

The two sighed in relief.

After a moment of silence, Tilly spoke up.

"Wait, doesn't Gramma go crazy when she hears an explosi-!" Tilly started, but was interrupted by Gramma kicking the back door opened.

"WHERE'S THE DANGER?!" She exclaimed, holding her sword.

"Uh oh..." Everyone said.


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