Hurricane Game Night! (DisneyToon Crossover) (Interactive Short) (Part 1)

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It was a very rainy and windy day, and all the DisneyToons were in a big cover shelter that they all build together.
The thunder roared loudly, and the wind blew hard and rapidly.

Meanwhile, some DisneyToons were sitting on the couch, watching the weather channel.

"Our Top story tonight, we continue to track the progress of hurricane Flowerpot. The national weather service has issued a severe hurricane advisory, and is urging everyone to stay indoors for at least the next 36 hours." The TV said.

Suddenly, the TV turned to static, and turned off.

"What the-?! What happened?" Stan asked.

"The wind must of knocked the weird thingy that connects to this weird magic box." Sprig Replied.

"Sprig, that's called a 'Satellite Dish'." Anne Replied.

"Sat-on-Light Dish?" Sprig asked.

"No Sprig, Satellite!" Anne said.

"That what I said! Sat-on-Light." Sprig said.

"N-No, say it with me, Sprig! Sat-ell-ite." Anne said.

"Sat-On-Light." Sprig Replied.

Anne facepalmed, giving up.

"Maybe we could pass the time by playing a board game." Tilly said.

"Hmm, not a bad idea, Tilly!" Cricket Replied.

"Heck, Yeah!" Mabel cheered.

"I guess..." Polly said.

The DisneyToons picked out one Board game, and they set the games on top of eachother.

"Okay, what did everyone get?" Mabel asked.

"Nothing, only the BEST board game to ever be touched!" Cricket Replied.

Everyone smiled happily, as they all got their favorite games.

"So, who's game are we playing first?" Everyone asked.

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"Uh... I don't know." Tilly replied.

"Maybe we should start alphabetically?" Sprig said.

"That's gonna be a problem, I am the manager of this game night, and I cannot do Alphabetical!" Polly said.

"What the-? Why are YOU the 'manager'?" Sprig asked.

"Because I said so!" Polly Exclaimed.

Sprig and Polly frowned at eachother, angrily.

"I'm not taking orders from a Pollywog!" Sprig Exclaimed.

"The heck you are! I COMMAND YOU!" Polly Exclaimed.

"Whoa, Whoa! Calm down guys! I think I have a solution to figure out who the manager is!" Milo said.

Everyone turned to him.

"You do? How?" Polly asked.

"Why, we'll ask the readers!" Milo continued.

"The reader?" Cricket asked.

"You know, the person reading this little Fanfiction!" Milo said.

"Oh, yeah! That's a great idea!" Mabel Replied.

Milo smiled, and turns to you, smiling.

"Hey, There! We're kinda in a little pickle here, could you help us out? Comment down below and vote on who should be the manager!" Milo said.

"It's gonna be me!" Polly said.

"No, it's gonna be ME!" Sprig said.

"Hey, calm down guys!" Tilly said.

"How about you mind your own business you noseless freak!" Polly said.

"Wha-?! Noseless freak? Ouch." Tilly said.

Milo sighed, turning to the two.

"Oops, we gotta go and stop the fight, remember! Comment below to Vote!" Milo said, smiling.

Milo, Tilly, Anne, and Huey went to stop the two frogs arguing.

——————-——————-——————-——————————-End of Part 1——————-——————-———————-——————-———

Who should be in charge of Game Night?

(A) Huey
(B) Dipper
(C) Mabel
(D) Cricket
(E) Tilly
(F) Anne
(G) Sprig
(H) Polly
(I) Milo

If you're favorite character isn't on the list, you can comment below and vote for other DisneyToons.

Voting ends -September 20, 2019- CLOSED 

(Everyone has Selected D, Cricket Green)

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