Welcome To The Family

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That night I went to sleep around 11:35. I smile and close my eyes tightly as i dream of being in that warehouse of his. Who you may ask? The one and the only Jigsaw Killer legend himself. I smile but fall asleep shortly under my warm covers on my bed, cuddling my stuffed cat I've had since I was 7. I cuddle him then fall asleep quickly, dreaming about being in the warehouse this time. I giggle as I wake up in the dream and get ready for another day and dress up in my robe and wanders around, looking for John or any of his associates.

I sigh but find Billy and smile brightly at him as I wave. I press on to go find John but was shortly cut off by one of his associates, Lawrence Gordon. I look at him but he was not in a good mood but walked past me anyways, mumbling something to himself. I look back at him but then remembered that I was an associate or ready to become one. I smile widely and go up the stairs that Lawrence was at, blocking my way. I go up the stairs to see if anyone else was up there but was soon cut off by Hoffman. I roll my eyes and sigh in anger.

I look up at him just to see him staring back at me. Mark walks towards me, messing with my hair. I step back to see him with an angry expression on his face. He jumps at me but I run and jump as I barely miss the last step. "Screw the stairs, he's a mad man!" I run and hide under a table and wait for Hoffman to pass. He turns his head towards my direction as Amanda runs in and yells and cry at him.

I look around to find something interesting but stops as I look up to see Amanda holding a white stick and yelling at Hoffman "YOUR A BAD MAN! A SICK MAN!"  Amanda storms off only to find that Lawrence walks in upset. They all start shouting at each other as I start to tear up and look up at them upset and worried. I wake up and look around, sitting up. I look confused but turn my head to my window that looks down below outside. I look down only to realize that my blanket was completely off of me. I stand up and look around "poor choices make bad consequences" I went to the bathroom to also realize that I didn't look or feel like myself.

I roll my eyes and head downstairs, I look up to see my brother kissing his girlfriends stomach while on his knees. I felt very uncomfortable so I grabbed my butcher knife from the knife rack and walked to the arm of the couch. I smile widely and say nothing as his girlfriend looks up and notices me standing there. I turn around quickly and hide the knife by my stomach and put it back quietly. My brother gets mad at her and says that he only saw me walking from the couch. I chuckle and stare out the kitchen window at my dad as he works on his wood. I grab some breakfast, sit at the table, eating it and then going to my room after.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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