Fire to my heart

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After my prison sentence I went to my house and I locked myself on the my room

Hey get down here


Clean the house you are grounded


Oh don't fucking a round with me

You drinking really

You promised you would break dad

I know but I want a clear mind

You begin drunk not clearing

Give me the drink

I may took a sip

That's is good

No more stop it

Your brother coming today

For what reason

You can have heart to heart

I'm not talking with him

Yes you are

I'm done hearing bitching about your brother

Oh come one he hurt him

Heal your heart telling him how you feel

I'll screw the whole thing up

Hey if your messed he will still love you

Kissed the top of my head

You got this

Where is he did he forget me once again

He coming go get dressed

I want to be in PJs and cry

My dad pushed me outside

Go to the park get stared at

My dad locked the door I stared at my brother car

Get in

Never mind

I ran so fast as tear stream down my face

Hey stop

Hey stop

I stop out of breath

I got into the car

Where we going

To the park

We found Picnic bench

Mom told your so upset

Well aren't your the guy who left her sister who needed you and the person who treat me like I'm invisible. The reason you lift because you didn't want a sister who was retared

Lucy look at me I love you as brother you amazing

Why you leave me

I wanna get a job

I was abused sexually assault because you left me why

Do you want to go on a trip



Sure what in it for me

Nothing great because I want to go on trip with you who abounded me

You know you are selfish in the way you make everything about you

Why you asking me to go to Germany you can drop me off just how you left me when I was a baby

No I want you to go to see how people had much worser then you

Why think I'm begin selfish

You don't understand I feel bad but you dig into me stop attacking me for what I did

I want your to be held accountable Because your words and actions cause this I rolled up my sleeve to show fresh cuts

You self harm


Why didn't you ever tell me

The way how you treated me for years as second human the second I come crying to you you tell I'm selfish when clearly you are because you your journalist attitude towards your sister who hurting from years of pain. Who needs confront but clearly not you I'm sorry I never what to speak to you ever again

I grab my jacket and left



I never meant anything to happen

You could report on your sister suicide was this your whole plan because if it was your sick to the head and should be fired for what you have done to me

Hey I'm trying live out here you not going the shits okay I'm struggling not begin with you so don't give your me the crap I want to take with me so I can have someone to confront me

Confront you aren't you a journalist

The truth is I'm going to one of the concentration camps and I want you to come with me

Okay when


I won't be able to mentally prepared for this emotional trip


The mystery brother حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن