Getting in trouble

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I sat upon the couch searching the Instagram

My dad walked in

Get off your ass do your job

I already did my job I said in snotty voice

Make dinner

I'm not bitch wife or slave I'm your 15 year old daughter

Get the hell in the kitchen make me dinner

I'm not making dinner

Go starve to death in your room

My dad grab me by the hair dragged by the hair to my room and locked the door

Let me out

Let me fucking out

Not until you make dinner

I will make dinner

I went to the kitchen and put sleeping pills in my dad dinner and fed it to him

Good night dad

I took my phone went laid on my bed

Three hours later

Lucy get down here

The house is a mess

I didn't make it

My drunken father made it

Clean it up now

I didn't do anything

You hear clean this fucking mess up now

No I refused to

Give me your phone now

Hell no make my fucking drunk father clean it up

If you don't clean you will never leave this house young lady

Sure because I'm the problem you husband is abusive to both of us but you don't see that

Your father did abusive he loves us both

Explain your black eye mom

Oh I bumped myself in the eye

Sure you did but just no I know the truth I'm going to the cops

You are grounded get to your room now

I laid on my bed as tears trickled down my face

I some how texted my tutor ask if she send her note

Lucy Good evening have you seen the note

Tutor what more

Lucy to the news guy

Tutor I did I'm going to bed see you tomorrow

Lucy okay suspension much

I was asleep for about an hour when I heard a scream I ran downstairs and my father was beating my mother up

Dad stop

Get off of me my dad yelled

Stop beating my mom up

He hit me on side of my head feel to the ground is Agony pain

I grab the phone and recorded it

If anyone out there who sister is missing answer this now

I uploaded to Instagram while I laid in agony

I crawled my way to my bed the cold sheets hit my body like a cold wash cloth hit me

The mystery brother Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora