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This sharp pain that ingulfed my body I turned around with blood.

My mom ran to my side as my blood kept flowing

Get me bandaid now

Not the monster

What do expect me to do here

Let me bleed out to death


Just please I'm keeping you from doing things

Your life is more important than dumb paper

Get that divorce with dad so we can run away from him

I'm not

My mom laid a cold compress on my arm and soaked up the blood

Wrapped up my wounds to stop the bleeding

I went into the he house went into the kitchen for the lighter

Where the gasoline

What are you doing

Here you go

I went into the middle of the street and dumped the gasoline all over me and I lite myself on fire


The fire went out and I passed out I was rushed to the hospital

Burn victim I heard as they rushed me in

They hooked me up to the tubes and I just screamed in agony as they cook my body off with cold


I got her phone let's look

Look song called Monster

She recreated this video she calling herself a monster


I know why

She feels she need to change but it us who needs to change

I feel bad

We headed into her room to see peaceful girl laying on the bed with tape over her wounds

Self harms scars

Something not adding up

We need to talk with her

So she woke up

Hey baby


Why are you doing this


Reborn of what


Making a new I'm trying to kill the my old self to grow another

You trying to I'll yourself

My old self

It didn't work

You want to commit suicide

I want to be reborn

I'm going to send you to Physic ward

The doctor walked in


I can please speak with you


I spoke with the therapist who told me your daughter is experiencing hallucinations of being a monster

Does she take any drugs

No not I'm aware

We took her blood and unfortunately your clean daughter actually is doing drugs

Like what


Do you know where she could of gotten this

My husband who probably a dealer

Can we send a police to search the house

Yes absolutely

What can we do

Talk with confront her

I got out of my hospital bed and was dancing I faked the whole things I used safe flam residence so I wouldn't get burnt

David saw me

I sat back down smiling and I went on my phone texting my secret boyfriend about helping me escape from the hospital because I'm happy with my life

My mom walk back in

You want to tell want exactly going on

I'm don't take drug and I'm not sick

Why this who lighting self in fire business

Well funny you should ask I was trying to show a point I'm unstoppable and I can't be stop

I jump off the bed and ran out of the hospital I decided to run away I'm done

I went to my house packed my stuff up and left I walk on the railroad tracks to a small little abandoned house where I would shoot up on drugs and have as much sex as I want be free from my parents finally and my so call brother

The mystery brother Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu