Chapter 2: Ellie, Queen of Coffee Shops

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Several minutes later, we found ourselves sitting across from one another in a decently busy establishment filled with young drunk patrons wearing cheap costumes and laughing. We'd fought through the crowds to grab our drinks, and Ellie had given me a strange look after I ordered a lavender tea misto. Then we'd sat down in two plush chairs by a small fireplace.

After a moment of staring at me, Ellie blushed then looked down at her paper cup before speaking. "I hope you don't think I'm, like, a stereotypical college girl in fall."

I frowned. "Why would I think that?"

She shrugged, smiling as she looked up at me. "I got a pumpkin spiced latte. That's, like, a basic college girl 101 drink."

My scowl morphed into a gentle smile. "I don't understand how pumpkin spiced flavoring means you're 'basic.' I think you're wonderful."

She laughed and rolled her eyes, holding her cup to her lips, breathing into the little hole in the lid as she did. "You're funny, Oberon, though I've gotta say, I didn't peg you for a lavender tea guy."

I didn't miss the sarcasm in her voice as she elongated my name when she said it, exaggerating the sound as if she didn't believe that's what I was actually called. To be fair, Oberon wasn't a normal human name, but that's because I wasn't human.

I smirked and ignored the tease as I replied. "I think you might be pleasantly surprised by me, Ella. And, really, when did liking flowers and tea become a gendered thing in this world?"

She grinned, her eyes flashing with appreciation as she sat back in her chair, the leather creaking as she moved. "You're handsome when you go on little rants. I like that. You an exchange student or something, Oberon? I can't quite place your accent."

I watched her as she finally took a drink from her cup, lip curling up when the drink was too hot.

How could I stop this night from ever ending? She was so perfect.

Though when I realized I hadn't yet answered her, I replied carefully. "Yes, and unfortunately, I'm leaving tomorrow. I wanted to get out for one last fun night before I left..."

Her beautiful grin fell into a scowl as she leaned over and placed her cup on the table in front of us then gave me an odd look. "But the semester isn't over yet. You're leaving already?"

I cleared my throat and took a sip of my drink, trying to tramp down my already growing sadness that I'd not see her again after tonight, at least not for some time. Sometimes, the curse would let me come back for next year's Samhain, though that was rare. More than likely, it would be decades before I saw Ellie's magical face again.

The drink was so hot that it scalded me, but I didn't react to the pain before I answered the woman by speaking a partial truth. "I have... responsibilities back home that I have to take care of."

"And where is home?" She leaned in closer to me, and I caught a whiff of her perfume.


Ellie always managed to find lilac scented things no matter what age she was living in.

I took another sip of my drink to keep myself calm before responding to her question with my rehearsed reply. "A politically questionable European country. I come from a family of means, and we're fighting to protect our people from far more powerful forces which seek to harm them..."

She pouted, and I resisted the urge to close the gap between us and kiss the tip of her little cat nose.


It took me a moment to catch on and realize she was actually trying to guess where I was from.

"No," I said, my reply tapering off into a chuckle.

Her scowl deepened. "Poland?"


I found it endearing that she was attempting to solve the puzzle, though Ellie wouldn't ever be able to figure out where I was from. Well, she wouldn't remember where I came from until she recalled her home, too, and that would never happen. In all these meetings, Ellie never remembered who she was, and there was no chance she'd ever regain her memory or her powers.

Because we'd been cursed.

She huffed dramatically and snatched her cup from the coffee table then took a sip. "Fine. Keep your secrets, Oberon, King of the Fairies. So... what's being a lit major like? Do you have a specialization?"

"My focus is ancient mythology."

"Really!?" she exclaimed, scooting a little closer to the edge of her seat and nearer to me as she beamed with genuine enthusiasm, "So you know Latin?"

"Yes, Latin as well as several other languages."

Her joy had me grinning as she regarded me with amazement. Ellie knew most of the same languages I did, though. She just couldn't remember.

When she said nothing else, I asked. "What are you majoring in?"

"Political science," she flushed and sighed, gaze shifting to look out the window as she added, "I just care a lot about the planet, and I'm confused why more people don't seem to care as much as I do. Humans have ruined the world, and nobody seems to care! Well, they care, but because of capitalism, they're not willing to do anything about it. I want to be an environmental lawyer and--"

She looked back at me and blushed, cutting herself off with a sheepish grin. "Oh, I'm sorry, Oberon. You're probably bored to death."

She had no way of knowing that I'd waited decades just to hear her speak. Nothing she could ever say would bore me.

"Not at all. I love listening to you, Ella. You've found your passion. That's rare for humans."

Ellie snorted, taking a swig of her drink before replying. "You say 'humans' like you're not one. If you're not one, then what are you, Oberon?"

I grinned, leaning across the table between us, resting my elbows on the wood. I could tell her pulse was quickening, and her pupils dilated with desire as her eyes flicked over my body before landing once more on my face.

Meeting that hazy, needy look in her eyes, I whispered. "I told you, Ellie. I'm king of the faeries."

Laughing as she placed her drink on the table beside my elbow, her eyes took on a determined look before she slid her hand into my free one. My heart stuttered as a jolt of electricity shot through me, but Ellie didn't seem to notice, although I suspected she knew something was up on a subconscious level. Even though she was no longer inhuman, she recognized her soulmate.

The woman's tongue darted out to moisten her lips before she whispered. "You're attractive... for a fairy."

Again, my heart skipped a beat, and I was reminded of what she used to say to me all those centuries ago when we first met as equals. Back when she was a queen.

"You're quite handsome for a fairy, Oberon. I wasn't expecting that."

A slow grin broke out over my face as I kept myself from being swept up in the memories and instead beamed at her and squeezed her hand.

"And you're breathtaking... for a cat."

Ellie barked out a beautiful laugh, then released my hand and grabbed her cup before sitting back in her chair.

"Let's chat a little first. Tell me about your favorite myth, Oberon."

And that's how we spent the next few precious hours. We sat and chatted and made memories that I hoped wouldn't have to sustain me through the next two decades because if I was supremely lucky, then I'd see her again next year. Every moment with Ellie was precious, and I savored every word that came from her lips, every movement made by her body. I was hopelessly and utterly in love with her. I just prayed that when I left this world, it wouldn't crush her like it had last time. 

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