V- Loneliness

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Dear Friend(?),

It's been awhile since we last talked, god I miss your voice. Life is so empty without you here, without someone to listen, someone who wants to hear my every whim and random thought, someone who cares. I dont know whats worse, not getting to say goodbye or knowing that I never will. Or maybe its not know if you'd even care. Was life harder before I met you or now? Do you regret meeting me? Certainly there's no calm after this storm, this soul will never be the same.

"I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad
I hope you can hear me, I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same

Na na, na na na, na na
I didn't get around to kiss you goodbye on the hand
I wish that I could see you again, I know that I can't"

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