The sub pursed her lips like she knew exactly what he was about to say. "What didn't work?"

The doors slammed open and there was Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini.

"Sh!t, Draco! And Professor! It wasn't Draco's fault, you know! He just—"

"I can't!" The sub threw her hands up, "Stupid Blacks!"

She stalked out of the Hospital Wing.

"Well she caught on fast," Parkinson said.

Malfoy was trying hard not to laugh, "Of course she did, what do you expect from her?"

"Oh, that's where you got it from?" Zabini rolled his eyes.

"Partly," Malfoy grinned, "Well, mostly."

"What are you three talking about and why didn't she do anything for you?" Hermione asked.

Parkinson turned and glared at Harry. "It was just a dare, why did you have to go and tell everyone, Potter?"

"A dare?" Harry said incredulously.

Malfoy rolled his eyes, "I thought you were a Gryffindor, Potter, don't you live on dares?"

"But you accepted a dare?"

"Well, we knew it wouldn't kill me."

"You were pushed off the Astronomy tower!" Hermione intervened, "How is that not going to kill you?!"

"Oh, are you concerned for my well-being, Granger?" Malfoy smirked and Hermione glared at him.

"What was the dare?" Harry asked impatiently.

Zabini sighed. "And why would we tell you, Potter? Pay up, Draco."

He held his hand out.

Malfoy scoffed, "I'm not going to pay you while stuck in this bed!" He up and left the Infirmary! Without medical attention!

Zabini and Parkinson looked at each other, then at Harry and Hermione, smirked, and left.

"What?" said Harry.


Amelia couldn't believe Draco. He was such an idiot! Sure, Regulus and Amelia did that once too, but still! Blacks have the strangest sense of humor.

So there Amelia was, trying to find a drachma in her room but she really couldn't find one, so she found a quill and a piece of parchment and furiously tried to write everything down.


You won't believe this!

Remember when Reggie and I bet that I could jump off the Ravenclaw Tower from a window and land in a kneeling position.

I know you remember that.

Well, guess what Draco did!

Being half Black (Or whatever, I don't care) means that he just HAS TO DO EVERYTHING, right?

So, he and his friends bet that he could fall off the Astronomy Tower and land on one of the brooms that his friends charmed to fly by themselves and have cushioning charms on them.




He missed. All of them!

My advice, Lu, is that you keep him away from Apatite. Really.

Oh, also to get back at the Gryffindors, his friend had to push him off the Astronomy Tower, so he found one of the Gryffindors' robes and used a bit of Polyjuice Potion (witnesses said it was a Gryffindor with a beard so I'm pretty sure they took a not-Gryffindor's hair) and pushed Draco off.

Don't laugh, Luce.

On a totally unrelated note, Xenophilius' daughter is also a demigod. And so is Longbottom (I think, but I did owl his grandmother. Don't know if that was a good idea).

How long is Sev's beard now and how many times have you been kicked out of your manor by 'Cissa and Sarah?

See you in a few weeks!



I heard you were a demigod. Draco's known for a few weeks now, but I am surprised you kept it a secret this long. I say, we should meet up some time. We half-bloods have to stick together through thick and thin, you know.

Perhaps we'll meet before the nargles get to us,



The first task was interesting, but animal abuse was there, so Amelia didn't know what to think of it.

Also, since she was a teacher, she didn't have to go to the Yule Ball at school and just went near the Wolf House to help the little demigods that needed a home at the moment. She got Luna and Neville settled in with Draco at CHB, and annoyed Chiron for a while. Of course, she went back on Yule, and just lazed about, waiting for Severus to make the teacher's plans.

The second task was boring. Nothing fun about watching a lake for an hour.

The third task was also boring. Staring at hedges the entire time.

What happened after the third task, however, almost gave Amelia a heart attack.

She was in her rooms when there was a distinct THUD in the sitting area. When Amelia went to go check it out, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Harry. Holding a weird looking something in his hands. With a body right next to him.

Get your mind out of the gutter, it was a dead body! Sorry, two dead bodies...

"Oh— Harry! What the— what happened?!"

Tears were streaming down his face as he shook his head. His hands unclenched and out fell a toothbrush. A toothbrush? Okay.

"V-Voldemort, h-he's back, Lia, he's back!" Harry broke down into sobs again. "A-and he k-killed C-Colin and D-Dennis and it's all my f-fault..."

Amelia didn't even process what he said; she just went and hugged the boy, waiting for him to calm down.

A/N: I think this is longer than usual, I don't really know. I think it was more fluff than anything, except for the end. Tell me what you think in the comments!

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