Ch. 36 Emporer and Empress Part 1

Start from the beginning

        "It's alright we'll take the helicopter," Gingka said as she nodded, I watched as all of them walked into the helicopter.

        "Hey Ryuga," I looked down to she Kenta holding my hand, "are you coming with us?"

        "I really don't want to," I answered.

        "B-But, if you're really sorry for what you did, you'll come with us instead of disappearing!" Kenta argued.

        I sighed in defeat, "Fine, but I'll go with Merda." I started walking in the direction Merda was, Kenta was still holding my hand.

        "Can I come with you too?" He asked I nodded.

        This might make all the awkwardness between me and Merda disappear. Maybe it'll also keep me from making Merda answer-

        "So you guys are coming with me?" I heard Merda say, I looked up, finding out that we were already there. I saw the familiar blue boat, enough for about ten people.

        "Yep," Kenta answered as he let go and ran for a spot in the boat.

        "Come on, Ry," Merda smiled. I sighed and took a spot beside Kenta, "Okay, 3, 2, 1, and we're off!"


        "Woah, this island is huge!" Yu exclaimed.

        "I know, it's the first and biggest Dark Nebula headquarters ever!" Merda told, "Anyway, there are medical equipment and food, hey Ry, you know that the chickens are still alive?"

        "Really, how did they survive alone?" I asked.

        "Don't know, but I did put them right near the corn," She told.

Merda's POV


        "Okay," Ryuga said.

        "Well, I'll start making food then," Madoka said, "Hikaru, you brought the ingredients for hamburgers?"

        "Yep," She answered.

        "Okay, who wants hamburgers!?" Madoka asked.

        The others were cheering, while I and Ryuga were silent.

        "Merda, Ryuga?" Madoka said.

        "Well, I'm vegetarian," Merda told.

        "And I've never had a hamburger before since Merda was vegetarian, I ate like her," Ryuga answered, "I think the only meat that I do eat is fish."

        "So Merda's Vegetarian and Ryuga's like vegetarian but not?" Gingka asked confused as I and Ry nodded.

        "That's alright, hamburgers, fish, and veggie burgers then," Madoka smiled.

        "Okay, Madoka, Hikaru, to get to the kitchen, you just go straight, k?" I told.

        "Okay," They both answered as they took a blue box and started walking in the direction I showed them.

        "So if you guys want, it's been a long time but if you want, give your beys to me and I'll try repairing them," I told, "you guys can stay here and explore."

        "Well, I guess it's better than waiting for Madoka to finish up," Kyoya said as he gave me his bey, the rest of them nodded and gave their beys to me, seeing on how Kyoya trusted me with theirs.

        "Okay, Ry, I think I might need your help," I told Ryuga.

        "Okay," He told as he started to walk to his room.

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