《Chapter 1》

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You huffed, breathing becoming unstable as you ran, hiding away behide Buildings while your leg's only becoming more tired as you continued to run them out.

The cop's were after you, luckily no hero's. As you near edged a Building, you reached inside your pocket, grabbing a smoke bomb as you secretly threw it behide you.

The cop's behide you had now lost vision, giving you the chance to hide away in an alleyway, using your hoodie to cover you as you hid behide the dumpsters, trying so hardly to control your breathing and stay still.

"where is he!" a police shouted, flashing lights through the alleyway before giving up and running forward with his men.

After they left, you stayed curled into a ball, waiting a couple more minutes before you stood up.

"Only 3 more left, I gotta make more at the old warehouse" you mumbled, checking inside your pocket.

"The cop's probably think I have a smoke quirk or something, they don't realize their just home-made smoke distractions" you sighed.

Beganing to walk away from the alleyway,  you shoved your hands in your pocket to make sure the money you had stolen was still there.

After reassurance, you hid it back away while removing your hood, exposing the color of your textured hair.

"good thing i know shortcut's" you mumbled.


After making it to your hide out warehouse, you threw yourself ontop the old beanbag you stolen as a bed.

Sighing, you pulled out the cash from your pocket.

"500 dollars added to my savings" you smiled softly.

"if im correct, i should have about 5000 now" you shifted in your spot.

For two years you've lived alone in an abandoned warhouse you found. Two years of Running from the cops and small time hero's, all to help you survive.

All to help you get ready for revenge.

Getting up from your old beanbag, you walked over to an old suitcase you had, safely placing the stolen money inside.

"I'm gonna go for a walk" you told yourself, being the only person you could actually talk to, besides your own thoughts.

Setting your hoodie aside, You slid off your shoes. you couldn't wear the same thing you use to rob money, to go for a walk. You could get caught.

Putting on a different set of shoes, and leaving outside without a sweater, you began to roam around the empty abandoned part of town.

Letting out a tired breath, you scratched your head, before focusing back on the walk.

'what cheep stuff is there to eat or make, im starting to get sick of the same old thing everyday' you thought.

'maybe I'll try to make-' your thoughts were cut off by a rock, almost tripping you in your path as you regained your balance quickly.

Looking around for any witnesses, you saw none, continuing your walk once again.

That was until you noticed the tall buildings up ahead.

More specificly, Hero agencies.

Where agencies are, theres always hero's and sidekicks.

Through walking along your path, the hero's you saw looked too young, most likely intern students, or just some cosplayers.

Trying to calm yourself down, you took in a breath as you continued walking down the same path they were going.

One with yellow gelled up hair, and another with green and wavy texture.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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