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"This shouldn't take too long," Emergency assures after we've all been seated. "We need you to recount everything that happened, starting from when you first notice Grease's machine following you."  

"I didn't notice anything at first, but then his scent threw me off," I recall. Was it only yesterday that it attacked me? "He didn't smell human." 

"Grease probably has no clue to the extent of your powers," Crystalline remarks. She twists an unlit cigarette in her hand, as if debating on whether to light or not. "For a shape shifter, you are remarkably advanced." 

I continue the story of how I chased down the machine in a rainy alleyway, the way I saw it decay in the night, and finally Grease's symbol. The words come easy, considering the last time I recounted it was last night. In front of the world's most powerful superheroes. Like my mate. 

On cue, Rome brushes his thumb along the back of my hand, hidden underneath the table. I do my best to keep my face straight. Since I woke this morning, I've been strangely aware of his presence - more so than usual. Like I have a special sensor tuned directly into him.

Once I finish, everybody's silent. 

"So Grease has been progressing fast," Crystalline finally sighs. Sometime during the meeting, she lit her cigarette. "I suppose we can safely assume that he's part of the Surge." 

"This is the second report of advanced Artificial Intelligence this year," Emergency continues as he stares at the ceiling. In the background, somebody coughs. "What was supposed to be a thing future has already become part of the present." 

"This is the worst possible scenario." 

"It's not like we weren't expecting it." 

"Who was the first record of artificial intelligence?" I interrupt, slapping Rome's hand away as he attempts to tickle my side.

"Thirteen-year old orphan, " Emergency says, eyes still up. "He has the power to access and control any electronic database near him. Less of an AI and more of a cyborg. Anyways, I'm more concerned about the fact that Grease went after Winifred after all things."  

"Villains go after mates all the time," Somebody points out. "Like Storm-Whisperer. His mate gets kidnapped every month." 

"Yes, but Whisper's mate isn't a super." 

"I know. I'm just saying - this could just be another way to get to Rome." 

"But the machine didn't attack her, he just spied on her." 

"Maybe the machine was programmed to spy on her location so that Grease could come later and kidnap her."

"Grease has always been careful to keep his personal and business lives separate," Rome speaks up for the first time in the entire meeting. People straighten up when he starts to talk, automatically tuning into the conversation again. "It wouldn't be his style to go after my mate like this. I think we should consider the fact that he sent his machine after Winifred for a reason completely unrelated to me." 

"Like what?" Crystalline demands, snuffing her cigarette out. 

"You should look into that," Rome stands up. "Grease wasn't expecting Winifred to catch on to him that fast, so we're one step ahead of him. I suggest you use the extra time wisely." 

People nod solemnly. It's interesting to see how Rome's super and civilian personas differ - people seem to respect him a lot more when he's in charge. 

Rome, Gamma Ray, and I leave after saying goodbye. They give me a brief tour of the mansion and we exit into the afternoon air. As soon as we step outside, the wind blasts into our faces. 

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