Monday, October 12th

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I thought that their separation would mean no more Jamie for me. That was not the case, sadly. He sat with us at lunch, next to him the two girls who looked so much alike that I mixed them up all the time, Baker, Helen.

For the first time, it was quiet while we ate. There was no discussion about the LGBTQ+ community, no sexist comments, just sad Helen and grumpy Jamie.

Maybe not sad but contemplative, and maybe not grumpy but petulant. Helen's way to speak rubs off on me.

Baker tried to make a joke, but no one laughed.

I saw Jenny enter the cafeteria and sit down two tables away from us. I excused myself saying I had homework to discuss with her.

"Hi," I said, swinging one foot over the bench.

Because her mouth was full, she waved with her fork.

"Please pretend like I'm saying something very interesting."

Jenny nodded in a way that could be described as badly acted pensiveness. "What's wrong?" She asked once she had swallowed.

"There are Jamie and Helen over there and the mood is not good."

Now she changed into a whisper, "Is it true that they broke up?"

I shrugged my shoulders, then nodded. On Saturday, Helen had texted me "I broke up with Jamie," then a second message saying, "I'll see you on Monday." I had asked her whether she needed anything; chocolate, ice cream, or a shoulder to cry on, but she didn't respond.

"It seems like it."

"And he has the audacity to sit at the same table?"

I shot an angry glance at Jamie. "Apparently."

"You should save her. Go over there and tell Jamie to get lost."

I rolled my eyes though I seriously considered her suggestion.

"Come on, Sofia, she'll love you."

"I'm pretty sure she could handle it herself if she wanted to."

"Nah, do it." Without further elaboration, she turned back to her food.

"Fine," I said.

"Don't forget the meeting later!"

I went over there and told Jamie to get lost. He looked like he wanted to protest but Baker got up and moved his head towards the exit. That was enough for Jamie to pack up his stuff. He threw his books into his shoulder bag, ate another bite while already standing, and left with accentuated steps. If I had any respect left for him, he would've lost it at that moment. He should've handled this matter delicately, instead, he drew all the attention towards him.

Helen stared at her phone. I didn't know what I had expected, but more than this.

Also in a bad mood by now, I sat down and put my phone beside me. It showed a new message.

Helen Collins @Me // 12:17 PM: Thank you.

When I looked up, I met her eyes and I could see tears glistening in them. I understood; had she spoken, she would've started to cry. My heart suddenly filled up with so much sadness and love, that I didn't know what to do with myself, so I just sat there and stared into Helen's watery eyes.

A Series of Mondays (girlxgirl / wlw)Where stories live. Discover now