13 - Predispositions

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He smiled up at you. "Please aim for the trashcan."

You laughed quietly and stat in the plush leather chair across from his desk. "Are you coming to Rossi's tonight?"

He nodded. "Haley found a babysitter, so we'll be there. You'll finally get to meet her, I'm sure she'll love you."

"I can't wait." You hesitated in the chair.

"Is there something else?"

"Erm yeah. Can I ask you something?" You asked, looking down at your hands. "It's about Spencer."

Hotch shifted in his seat, leaning towards you and placing his elbows on the desk. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," you hesitated. "I'm just a little worried about him. He's been acting a little strange."

He nodded. "Look, I'm not necessarily sure he'd want me telling you this, so let's keep this between us."

You nodded.

"Last year, Reid was involved in an incident with an unsub. We still aren't sure exactly what he went through, but he's still recovering. I've noticed some unhealthy coping mechanisms, but they seemed to have been getting better. Are you saying you think he needs some assistance?"

"No!" you said, a little too loudly. "I'm sure it's just because of everything that happened last week." You stood quickly. "I'm gonna go pack up my stuff, see you at Rossi's?"

Hotch waved you out the door. "See you there."

As you left his office, you felt strange again. The reason you felt the immense need to protect Spencer was beyond you. You didn't even like him, and yet, you felt like it was your responsibility to make sure he didn't get in trouble. You peeked into Rossi's office on your way back to the bullpen.

"Hey there," he said, looking up from the file he was holding.

"Hey! Do you need me to bring anything tonight?"

"Nope, I went grocery shopping last night. I hope you like pasta."

You smiled. "Do you eat anything else?"

"Nope," he said defiantly, grinning back at you.

You shook your head and walked back to your desk. Grabbing your books off of your desk, you organized your belongings. Prentiss looked stressed, still working on the files in front of her. Morgan, on the other hand, looked relaxed, he'd finished already. You nodded at him, signaling towards Prentiss.

"Hey, do you need some help with those?" He asked her.

She looked up at the two of you gratefully. "Yes please."

You each grabbed a file and got to work, staying behind as Hotch left to pick up Haley, and as Rossi left to prepare for dinner. After about fifteen minutes, you were done. JJ, Spencer, and Garcia joined you three by the elevators. Prentiss clapped her hands excitedly.

"Let's go! You have no clue how long I've been waiting for this moment."

The team laughed and followed Prentiss into the elevator. Everyone got into their respected cars, Spencer catching a ride with JJ this time. You climbed into your car, alone, and turned up the music until it was deafening. A-Punk by Vampire Weekend blasted from your speakers, drowning your thoughts.

"Look outside at the raincoats coming, say oh," you sang loudly, nodding your head to the beat of the song.

As you danced alone in your car, you made sure to follow behind Garcia's bright orange Cadillac. You gasped as she pulled down a brick road, realizing it was a driveway. The huge house loomed over you and you followed Garcia and parked behind her.

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