25. Duets

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"All right, let's, uh, let's gather round

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"All right, let's, uh, let's gather round. Sorry I'm late guys." Mr Schue started, as he walked into the choir room.

The Glee kids all went to sit in their seats.

"I was with Principal Figgins." Mr Schue continued. "Bad news, guys. Puckerman's in juvie."

"It really was just a matter of time." Tina pointed out.

"What did he do?" Quinn asked.

"He drove his mom's Volvo through the front of a convenience store, and drove off with the ATM." Mr Schue explained.

The majority of the Glee club started laughing, apart from Finn who was shocked, and Rachel who was probably just worried about numbers for Sectionals. Even though they already had enough.

"A-A-And when is he getting out?" Rachel asked.

"Unknown." Mr Schue answered.

"He might be the dumbest person on the planet, and that's coming from me." Brittany spoke up.

"Guys! Let's have some sympathy." Mr Schue said.

"For a guy who put his needs before the team's?" Finn questioned. "We need his voice, and his bad-boy stage presence."

"We can't look at this as, as a crisis. It's an opportunity." Mr Schue told everyone.

"For what?" Darcey asked.

"Further embarrassment and humiliation?" Quinn added.

"For welcoming our new member... Sam Evans!" Mr Schue announced.

"Hey, everybody. I'm Sam." He introduced. "Sam, I am. And I don't like green eggs and ham."

"Oh, wow. He has no game." Santana said to Brittany, loud enough so everyone heard.

"Okay! This is going to be great!" Finn broke the awkwardness, and stood up. "You're not gonna regret joining, Sam." He pointed Sam towards an empty seat, and then Mr Schue started the lesson.

"What's a duet?" Mr Schue asked the room, after writing the word on the whiteboard. Rachel put her hand up.

"A blanket." Brittany answered.

"A duet is when two voices join to become one." Mr Schue told everyone. "Great duets are like a great marriage. The singers compliment each other, push each other to be better. So, this week, I want you to pair up and sing a duet. And, since you guys all seemed to love our little Defying Gravity diva-off, I'm making this a competition."

"What's the winner get?" Mike asked.

"Dinner for two, on me, at Breadstix." Mr Schue answered, and everyone started chattering excitedly.

"We're gonna win this thing." Tina smirked at Darcey.

"Mm-hmm." Darcey nodded, agreeing with her. Even though, actually she was quite scared of performing in front of them.

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