18. Dream On

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In the choir room, Mr Schuester was standing at the front of the room with some random guy standing next to him

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In the choir room, Mr Schuester was standing at the front of the room with some random guy standing next to him.

"Okay guys, listen up. This is Mr Ryan." Mr Schue announced. "He's a member of the school board, and he would like to say a few words. I-I just want you guys to listen critically and know that what he's saying is just one of many opinions." 

"Take out a piece of paper. And on that paper, I want you to write down your biggest dream." Bryan instructed. "A dream that means so much, you're afraid to admit it even to yourself."

Darcey took out a piece of paper, and on it, she wrote: 'Get Tina to be my girlfriend.'

She smiled to herself for a second, then looked up and over to where Tina was writing on her own piece of paper.

Bryan then walked over to Artie, and took his piece of paper, scrunching it up.

"Your dream is never going to happen." Bryan told them. "Ninety one percent of you will spend your entire lives living in Allen County, Ohio. So unless you wrote down that your dream was to 'work for a mid-market health insurance provider' or 'find an entry level job in an elderly care facility', you're going to be very disappointed." 

"This is really depressing." Mercedes commented.

"I'm going to guess that a lot of your dreams involve 'showbiz'. Well, let me tell you. Showbiz dreams are the most unrealistic of them all." Bryan stated.

"But... That's what I want to do with my life." Tina replied.

"Oh, look, I'm not trying to hurt you feelings. I'm just trying to spare you disappointment." Bryan insisted.

"I think we get your point." Mr Schue told him.

"Aw, well, Schuester here's a prime example." Bryan started. "He used to have that glimmer of hope in his eyes that I can see right now in all of yours. But he couldn't make it happen for himself, so he now has to try and convince you all that it will happen for you. Guess what? His dream didn't work out. And neither will yours." 

Tina then began to cry, and Darcey desperately wanted to go over to her and hug her and tell her that it was all going to be okay, but she couldn't.

"Okay, you're done here." Mr Schue said to Bryan.

"You would be wise to show me some respect." Bryan responded, threateningly.

"You've said your piece, now get out." Mr Schuester told him.

"Well, Schuester, I should thank you. You've made my decision about which program to cut a lot easier." Bryan replied.

Darcey looked back down at her piece of paper, and angrily ripped it in half. It wasn't going to happen, and she knew that.


 After school that day, Darcey walked over to the buses with Santana and Brittany, laughing along to something that Brittany had just said.

"Darcey, I heard that you broke up with Matt." Santana sounded. Darcey had gotten a glimpse of where Tina was walking along with Artie wheeling by her side. "Darcey?"

Darcey quickly snapped out of her daze, and looked back at Santana.

"What?" Darcey asked.

"I heard you broke up with Matt." Santana repeated. "Why?"

"I, uh... He just wasn't doing it for me anymore." Darcey lied, sort of. Santana furrowed her eyebrows at her, whereas Brittany had no idea what was going on.

"Oh, okay." Santana shrugged.

"What?" Darcey asked.

"It's just, I thought you really loved him. It seemed like a relationship that would last after high school." Santana answered. "Y'know, I honestly thought you'd marry him."

Darcey stopped in her tracks and looked at her best friend. "Wait, really?" Santana nodded.

"I don't think it would've worked anyway." Darcey shrugged. "I, uh, I cheated on him." Santana's eyes went wide, and looked at her.

"You what?" Santana asked, then scoffed. "Who with?"

"Um... It was, uh..." Darcey desperately racked her brain for a name she could tell Santana. "I don't- uh, actually remember. It was at one of Puckerman's parties."

Santana nodded understandably. "I mean, we've all done it."

Darcey looked back over to where Tina was, and saw her kiss Artie again. Darcey's face saddened, and she looked down at the floor, she didn't need another reason to make her sad that afternoon.


Bryan stood in front of the Glee Club, holding a box of jean jackets.

"Guys, I've got good news. I siphoned off funds from the Cheerios and I took a little shopping spree through the Jazzhands catalogue." Bryan explained. "You know why? Cause the arts matter. And I got custom-made New Directions jean jackets and some rad tearaway dancewear. Hello. And every piece of sheet music from every Broadway show for the last 50 years. Everything a show choir needs to become champions." 

"Wow, that's just amazing. Let's give a hand for Mr Ryan." Mr Schue instructed, then Sue walked into the room.

"Congratulations, Will. I'm over the moon for you." Sue told him.

"Thanks, Sue. I'm glad you have a good attitude about your budget being cut." Mr Schuester smiled.

"No, no, I'm not talking about that. I came over here to congratulate you on your new role." Sue stated. "Local director, Herb Duncan, does the dry cleaning for the Cheerios and he let it slip that you just landed the lead in Les Miz! Congratulations. Oh, I'm ecstatic. And the good news just keeps coming, 'cause you got a part, too, Bry. The exciting role of Townsperson. And you got a line, too. Way back here in the second act, you get to say... 'Hooray'. Congratulations, both of you, really. I can't wait for opening night."

Bryan snatches the jackets back, and walked out of the choir room.


The next day, they all sat in the choir room, waiting for the club to start.

"All right, guys, listen up. Tina has something that she wants to share with all of us, but first, I have an announcement to make." Mr Schuester started. "You've all been reprieved. Bryan Ryan isn't cutting Glee." 

"Did he die?" Puck asked.

"No. He didn't die." Mr Schue answered. "He, uh, is going to be distracted for a couple months making his star turn in Les Miz. He got the lead role." 

"But I thought you got the lead." Quinn said, confused.

"I resigned." Mr Schue stated. "It was the price for keeping the club."

"Sorry you had to do that, Mr Schue." Finn replied.

"I'm not. You know, the way I see it, I'm trading my one dream for the chance that all 14 of you might find yours." Mr Schue told them. "I mean, come on– you can't argue with those numbers. So, let's start with Tina's dream. Come on up, Tina." 

She walked up to the front of the room, and high-fived Mr Schue.

"I understand that you whipped up a little dance number for us– a breakout that we might use at Regionals." Mr Schuester said.

"Yes." Tina nodded.

"You got a dance partner?" Mr Schue asked her.

"Mike Chang." Tina answered.

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