1. The Plan🥂

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She Always Knew she was special, meant for great things, meant to take over the world.

She believed she could get whatever she wanted, whenever and however she wanted. She was vehemently sure of who she was; QUEEN; Damn yes she was, the owner of the fucking world. People may see her as a normal 19 year old but little did they know how deceiving she could be.
She was what you would call "a wolf in sheep's clothing".
Jade was a girl who had no heart, her looks contrasted with her reality.


"I can't do this, I have a girlfriend and I really love her, I can't cheat on her"  John cried

But the seductress wasn't having any of that. She pushed herself closer to him and whispered
"We'll have to change that now right ?"

She lifted her head and looked at him. She didn't have to think twice. If he wasn't going to catch some fun with her all because he had a girlfriend, it was left to her to make things easier for him; she had to get rid of the obstacle.

As she looked at him in the eye, she kissed him on the cheek and gave him a smile. John didn't know what that smile meant but he was sure it didn't mean well. There was something about her that he didn't like, something about her ticked him off, something about her scared him and at the same time turned him on. But one thing was sure, she was Hot. So hot that all the guys wanted her. She seemed so innocent, so fragile. Maybe it was her innocence that drew guys to her.

Jade strutted away seductively. She knew exactly what she had to do. It was clear and it was going to be super easy.

Jade smirky knowingly. John's girlfriend had become one of her acquaintance, she wouldn't call her a friend, but the poor girl might.

The poor girl had simply been drawn to her since they met, who wouldn't ?, She was awesome anyway.

Now, Jade knew the nerdy girlfriend would be in the library. She her mini backpack on her shoulder as she strutted through the hallway which seemed to light up as she walked. She totally outshone everyone.

She walked into the Library and found her target buried behind some books. She sneaked behind her

"Hey Laura" she whispered, smiling dangerously.
Laura gasped and turned around. Jade had scared her. She really liked her, more than she might have known.

"Ohm Hey Jade" Laura replied grinning as she sat close to her with her legs side by side

Jade threw her hands around Laura's waist and drew her close to herself making Laura feel her warmth. She knew this was meant to have some kind of effect on her and she was right because Laura completely melted.

"Meet me in the bathroom at the left wing in 5" She winked and walked away

Laura let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. She was looking all flushed and flustered: she wondered why Jade want to meet her there
Maybe Jade also felt the same way she did and she wanted to give them a chance; She had been following Jade around for a while now and she had fallen hard for her, she wasn't Lesbian: she had never felt this way before. Jade was so beautiful and very kind, she made her feel comfortable whenever she was around her. Laura really liked her and she hoped Jade did too.

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