Chapter 20 part 4 - you dug your grave

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"WHY!" He yelled, unable to keep his composure any longer.

"Rick, he thought I was doin' bad stuff with you. Planning things to take them down, he attacked me after you attacked Pete-"
"You weren't apart of it! You stopped it!" He yelled.

"It was a misinterpretation." Carl says.
"Attacking my partner? If anything he deserves to go to jail." Rick yelled.
"We have no jail Rick!" I yelled at him, "Deal. With. It. Later." I growled, stepping closer to him I shook my head, "We can't deal with it now, in which I know it winds up you beatin him half to death. if we do we're kicked out of here for good, we need this place or we will be half dead in the forest again." I explained.

Carl moved himself to the living room, slightly away from Rick and I but still in a place where we could see him.

"Please dad, this place is all we have after each other." Carl as well tries to reason.

Rick was now gripping the edge of the island, pure anger and frustration pumping through his veins I see his knuckles turn white. "If he ever speaks to you again, I'm putting his face in that gravel and letting it be dug into his eyes." Rick threatens.

"Agreed." I nod.

Rick glances at Carl, but suddenly moved upstairs as soon as we went silent.

"If you follow him, he's either going to be so mad he might punch a hole in the wall. Or he is in a sad and needing some space or both. I've seen him in every level of his emotions, sometimes he even needs the comfort even if he doesn't ask for it." Carl spoke, stepping closer to me, holding my hand he pats my back, "I'll clean the glass and take Judith on a stroll." He finished, going back to the kitchen.

I didn't want to intrude, but again if I do it might benefit for an explanation on both parts on what's happened whilst he was gone.

But... what if he is going to try and push me away?

I shook my head, I have to try and relax him, even if it means spending the day with him (which I like either way).

I move my feet up the stairs, hearing him shuffle around I sighed, getting to the door frame.

He put on a gray button up and some jeans, along with his belt with only a hidden knife. He turned around, running his hands through his hair he plopped down on the bed.

I could feel how tense he was, how he wanted to stop all this 'normal life' drama. But no matter what, we always have something to fill that need, that 'need to do something to get everything away'.

Actually. That sounds really nice.

"I'm sorry." Rick breathed, looking at his forearm, "I shouldn't have yelled, I shouldn't have started a fight and I should have told you about what I was doing."

He takes the gun he stole from the armory out of his holster, standing up he puts it out in front of him to try and hand it to me. "I never should have taken the gun, immediately that was... inappropriate."

Rick took that gun to have it with him, if everything went sideways then that would be the last resort.

I step towards him and press the gun away from me, "You need it, you know better now. I know Carol took a few guns as well. I'd think it would do us good." I said.

Rick sighed, putting the gun hidden in his holster. "I owe you everything, you saved me and took care of me, now you forgive me for something I should never have done." He intertwined our hands, "All I can give you at the moment, is a sign of thank you."

He kisses my cheek, I groaned at the feeling of his scruff against my chin. "You need to shave again, or let it grow." I chuckled.

I hear him chuckled under his breath lowly, squeezing my hand, "I'll be out in a minute."

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