Chapter 27: sISteR

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"what no, i don't love her but she did change my life for better and whatever we have is more like a ..."at this point she was really stuck because she knew that she doesn't love lauren like a friend because she was definitely more than that but she wasn't her best friend, that title will always belong to Dinah, nor she loved lauren like she loves shawn. Then what was Lauren for her?"it's more like a sisterly love"

she knows that sisters doesn't do the things they did because that will be gross and incest however she couldn't think of something else

Dinah was already pushing her to admit that she had feelings for Lauren and she didn't need Shawn to start questioning too.

"sorry to interrupt but i'm here for camila, I'll be waiting outside"said Lauren knocking gently on the counter grabbing everyone's attention

"well time to go, Ally I see you tomorrow at the office?"asked Camila making sure that her friend remember the agreement they made

"Totally I'm so excited to work with you"said ally smiling and nodding her head

"So am i "said Camila smiling ear to ear and bidding her goodbyes to everyone

getting out of the restaurant she saw lauren sitting in the stairs playing with flowers

"hey there,I am ready"announced excitedly camila grabbing laurens attention who didn't looked as eager as she was to see the green eyed girl

"well hello to you too" remarked camila when lauren didn't say anything

"hi"answered curtly at camila's remark

"are you already done with me?"with a sad tone asked camila at laurens behavior making lauren realize that she is being angry at camila when she doesn't have any right to be

"I'm so sorry, I didn't meant that to come out like that I'm just tired"

"why do i feel like you are not saying something?"

"There nothing much to say sister"

Oh shit camila thought slapping her head with her left hand

'Why do I always find myself in situations like This' mumbled

"I should be asking that, I mean yeah getting friend zone is kinda bad but getting sister zoned IS THE ABSOLUTE WORSE" Camila couldn't help but laugh a little at Lauren reaction

"Laugh all you want maybe is funny for you NOW, but let me tell ya wait for your turn lady "

"I'm sorry is just you are too cute annoyed
You look like a green eyed puppy who didn't get her food"this statement from Camila didn't make any difference to Lauren who just looked at her and huffed in annoyance

"Ok damn someone is angry "

"Can you blame me SiStEr?" Asked Lauren raising her brows and received an eye roll from the brown haired girl

"Where is your car?" Questioned Camila trying to change the subject

"Who told you I have a car?"

"YOU DON'T?! How are we gonna go to my house?" Lauren just simply pointed the public transport

" tell me you are kidding"

"Sorry sister that's a reality "now camila was the one annoyed

"which one do we need to take?"

"Just follow me...sister" added lastly Lauren

"Ugh please stop it, we both know that I don't see you as my sister I mean come on who the heck get in a make out section with someone they compare to their sibling"

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