Dont Push Me Away

Start from the beginning

I moved his hand and continued putting Up the groceries keeeping out the Stuff I needed for the tacos

"Fight All you want What I want I get and you know that so play dumb all you want Im gone make you mines Alaya" He Said In my in ear walking out the kitchen putting M&Ms In his mouth Smirking

I could believe my ears Did my best friend just tell me Im Gonna Be His Girlfriend nahh Its The antidepressants Talking cause The Kelly I know Has Never dated a Big girl Let alone Talked about dating one he has never Mentioned it before what Has changed

I started Cooking And Went to take Chloe Up so She wouldnt be Up all night I love her but I need my sleep Aswell she gets Loud At night

"Come On sleepy mama you want some Tacos" I asked and she smiled She gonna be chunky she loves eating but its okay.

"Damn It smell it good girl"

He is such a fatty

"It should Be done Now can you get the plates for me" I asked

He nodded And Got them From the top on the cabinets


"How Therapy going" He asked As we ate and Fed Chloe Off my plate

"Its getting better"

"Thats good Do you feel better"


"Wym sure Whats Bothering you" He asked Putting his Plate down which was empty btw

"I mean Im okay"

"Commere" He held his Arms Out for me


He held me For a while and I still had chloe In my arms And I cried a little

"Its okay Babygirl i Gotchu" He whispered rubbing my back In circles

I pulled away grabbing Chloe

"Thats not true kelly No one Has me but myself"

And with that I walked out Going into the Room Locking it and Laying down



"You good" He asked Standing In the Entrance of the Kitchen as I cooked Breakfast we just got back from Taking yogi to My aunt house i was Gonna Look for jobs today

"Im fine"

"One minute you letting me Hold you while you the Next you Pushing me Away Alaya What The fuck Am I doing wrong Why pushing me away and Im tryna Help you" He yelled scaring me

"I- you dont have to yell kelly Please Calm Down"

"Nah Fuck allat Alaya I been Calm wit you, Im Trying And You know I am I make sure you, yogi, and the Twins Good, I promised I wouldn't hurt yo-"

"Thats Just It Dont Make that Promise Kelly You cant Keep it No can Promise that"

I yelled my eyes were tearing up

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