Chapter 21

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"What happened?!" She yelled, getting out.

"He got into a fight. We couldn't stop him." He said.

"How badly is he hurt!" She tied a towel around herself.

"Maybe a broken nose, we aren't sure." Gaege said.

Gabby ran to go find Eddie, it fell silent. The sun was setting. Gaege and Josh went inside as you heard Gabbys car leave the driveway. Gaege came out and sat with you in the pool. You stared at the bottom and got off of your floatie. You wrapped your arms around Gaege, he did the same. You rested your head up against his chest. You sat in silence before Gaege spoke.

"Lets go inside and lay down, its cold." He kissed the top of your head.

You guys got out of the pool and showered. You threw on a sports bra and some spandex. Gaege put on navy joggers and white ankle socks. You went to the living room and painted your nails, you did your fingers white and your toes a light blue. Jokingly, Gaege let you paint his black. Afterwards you both got some ice cream and watched a movie in the living room before heading off to bed. You awoke to knocking at the door, it was 6:29. You got up and threw your hair in a bun, walking to the door. There was a Yorkshire Terrier sitting  there. The dog was filthy. You grabbed him, shut and locked the door, and took the dog to the bathroom.  You gave him a bath with a bar of soap, washing him down good. You dried him off and decided to go the store. You put on a white crop top and skinny, ripped jeans. You grabbed the dog and went to the nearest pet store. You went in and started looking for the things you needed. After about 40 minutes of shopping you payed and went home. You set everything up for the dog in your room. Gaege was still asleep. Nobody but Narrator was awake so he helped a bit. The dog rested on your lap, you were sitting at the end of the couch. Narrator was sat at the other end of the couch.

"I know I should've said this sooner but I'm sorry about kissing you that one day. I let it get the best of me. And I hope we can still be friends and put this behind us." He was looking down.

"Oh my god, its fine I promise. Of course we can still be friends, no worries." You started up your game.

He got up and made some cereal, eating at the bar. You turned on Tom and Jerry (an old ass cartoon xD) and turned of your switch and relaxed. The dog woke up and walked into your room, going to go eat. While at the store you got the dog fixed (this meaning they could no longer have babies) and found out it was a girl. You named her 'Willow.' She had no name tag or anything so you had assumed nobody had wanted her. Thankfully, nobody had saw you come outside to know where you live. Gaege woke up at 11:30 and walked into the living room. Everyone else was already awake and had approved of the dog, they loved her. Gaege saw her and ran to her, petting and loving on her. Everyone had approved and you were keeping the dog. You took the dog outside everyone once in a while and it was already potty trained. It was getting late, you decided to check in for the night. The dog slept in its bed, near your and Gaeges. You threw on a hoodie and laid down, cuddling up with Gaege. This was the best time. You were warm, comforted, damn you were happy.

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