Chapter 13

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(slight ED mention)

You wake up, your stomachs hurting. You realize how much you had been starving yourself. You throw on a hoodie and spandex, going to the kitchen. You make a bowl of cereal, "This will do for now." You say. You see Gaege on the couch and sit next to him.

"Hey, your eating." He smiled and kisses you.

"I'm starting to.." You take a bite of your food.

You finish eating 10 minutes later, putting your bowl in the sink and you go back to the couch. You lay your head on Gaeges lap. He rubs your back, you smile. You missed these kinds of things. You grabbed your phone.


June 8th 2020

1 message from "Bubba"

You smiled, you hadn't heard from your brother for a while.

Hey sis. I'm so sorry I haven't been calling! I've been caught up with everything.

No no, its okay. Same here honestly.

Well damn.

I moved twice within a month. Shit sucks

I'm sorry sis, moving is trash.

Right on, how's collage? You and Emily still together?

Actually, no. She's why I haven't texted or called. I couldn't talk to any girl but mom. I'm with someone else.

That's fucked up dude.

Gaege put your phone on the stand beside you and put your over his shoulder, sitting you on the bed and locking the door.

"Cuddles, pwease babyyy." He said, puppy dog eyes.

You couldn't say no. He laid his head on your chest while you ran your fingers through his hair. You smiled while he turned on some Tom and Jerry, this show reminded you of your childhood. You guys relaxed and watched it, that was basically your whole day. You both fell asleep around 11. You woke up and went to shower. Afterwards you threw on mom jeans with a loose, black tee. You put your hair in a messy bun. You had gotten carried away singing in the shower and didn't realize you were in for 45 minutes. You walked out, Gaege wasn't there. You walked into the living room and saw him kissing someone. You slammed the bedroom door and packed about a weeks worth of clothes. You walked out and saw Gaege, alone.

"Let me ex-" He started.

"Gaege Gibson. You know damn fucking well what you did!" You called your father.

"Dad, i-if I send you my address, please come get me..." You said, crying.

"Of course, text it to me and I'll be there." He said.

You hung up and texted him the address, pushing past Gaege.

"Y/N, let me explain. Please." He stood near you, pleading with you

"Gaege. You know what you did. We can talk when I come back." You said, tears streaming down your face.

You waited outside for about 30 minutes when you father picked you up. You stayed with him for the next week.

"Hey sweetie. Awh its so good to see you." He smiled at you as you hopped in the car.

"Hey dad." You smiled and threw your bag in the back.

You sat in the passenger seat, you missed your dad. You wiped your eyes, but fuck you were upset with Gaege.

"You seem upset? What's wrong?" You dad asked, pulling out of your driveway.

"Gaege was kissing someone, I'm pissed." You said, looking out the window.

"That's shitty of him!" He cursed.

You laughed, it was always funny to you when he cursed like that.

"But, if you truly love him and he is who you want. After you get home, talk to him." He said.

You didn't want to forgive Gaege but you also knew your dad was wise and he was right. You silently nodded and turned on the radio. You arrived at his house about 2 hours later. You loved his house. despite being small, it felt like home. 2 stories, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, a kitchen, living room, and laundry room, with an office and basement. You had grown up here. This was truly home more than anywhere else. (Its basically the house from Garfield hehe) You grabbed your bags and went to the 2nd bedroom, it had to beds. You saw your younger sister on it, she jumped up and hugged you.

"Lily, hey sweet heart." You kissed her forehead.

"Sissy!" She hugged you.

Your step mom walked in, "Hey! Your home." She smiled, leaning in the door frame.

"Hey Jen." You stood up and smiled.

She gave a nod and walked downstairs, you wished your brother was there but knew he was at collage. You sat on your bed and put your things away.

"Shit, it feels good to be home." You said, Lily had walked out with your step mom.

You laid down and grabbed your phone. Dozens of missed calls, texts, and more from everyone in the house. You made a group chat with everyone except for Gaege.

The Boys 2.0

Hey everyone. I'll be staying with my father for a week. I'll have my phone off a lot of the time. I caught Gaege kissing someone else. Please don't mention it to him, we can sort it out. I love you all <3

Gabby: I'm sorry girly! Love you!

Fav Mexican: that mother fucker.

Gabby: Leave it alone Eddie!

Narrator: I am so sorry! Keep your head up!

Josh: oh shit. im sorry..

Mul: We will miss you, take all the time you need.

You powered off your phone, looking at the ceiling.

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