Chapter 21

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"How stupid are you? Why would you fight Ward's kid?" Gabriel asks

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"How stupid are you? Why would you fight Ward's kid?" Gabriel asks.

"He called Violet a slut." Jordan defends.

"I know you like her, but c'mon you're supposed to be friends with him." Gabriel says.

"Look I don't think that's gonna work." Jordan says.

"He blames me for stealing his spot on the team." Jordan adds.

"Ice up." Gabriel says, throwing the ice pack at Jordan.

"I got some info." Jordan says, lowering his voice.

"Like what?" Gabriel asks, whispering.

"The blonde guy, JJ said something about Rafe killing Peterkin, John B and Sarah." Jordan says. Jordan left out the part about Barry and Violet cause he didn't want to possibly hurt Violet with information.

"Good job.. keep it up. I'll do some digging." Gabriel says.

"What is wrong with you? One day out of rehab and you're picking fights?" Ward asks Rafe.

"Dad— it wasn't like that." Rafe says, coming up with an excuse.

"Rafe you need to get your act together before I send you back." Ward says.

"No- dad please-don't." Rafe begs.

"Now I gotta go fix your mess up just like every other time." Ward sighs, walking off.

"What the hell was that? You said that out loud to everyone! Don't act like you weren't involved either." Violet yells at Rafe.

"I don't know what you're talking bout. I didn't do shit. That was all you." Rafe says.

"Are you kidding me? I should've just let you OD." Violet scoffs, walking away to where the Pogues were.

"You could've gotten a TBI." Dr. Thornton says.

"Dad, that's Violet's thing." Topper says.

"If you hit your head too hard or fall the wrong way. It could've been worse." Dr. Thornton says, giving him an ice pack.

"I was just backing the boys up." Topper says.

"And if they jump off a cliff are you going to do it too?" Dr. Thornton asks.

"Why's your girlfriend trying to patch up her ex?" Gabriel asks Jordan.

"She what?" Jordan asks, turning around.


"At least let me patch you up! It could be infected!" Violet says.

"I don't care, it's a little scratch. It's been worse." JJ says, ignoring her.

"Kie, tell him to let me patch him up." Violet says.

"JJ you're bleeding." Kiara says.

"Just a little blood." JJ says.

"Sepsis is a real thing, and it will kill you." Violet says.

"Infections can't punch." JJ says.

"Hold him down." Violet says to Pope and Kiara, sighing. The two both grabbed each of JJ's arms and held him still.

"Let me go! I swear to god Pope, I'm gonna kick your ass!" JJ says.

"This is gonna hurt." Violet says, taking out the bottle of alcohol and dipping it in a cotton round. She then wiped it over his wound. It was a cut on his forehead.

"AGH!" JJ groans.

"Okay, I'm gonna put a band aid over it now." Violet says, sitting down on his thigh.

It was too hard for her to crouch over with Pope and Kie on each side of JJ, holding him down by his arms. So she had no other choice.

"I think you're good now." Violet says, making Pope and Kiara release him. That was when she noticed his wrist.

"Wait..your wrist." Violet says, seeing it swollen and puffy. It was bruised up.

"Did you sprain it? It looks like you did." She asks.

"I'm fine." JJ says, looking away.

"It's swollen." Violet says, grabbing his hand.

"I'm gonna wrap it." She says, pulling out the bandage from the first aid kit.

"I'm fine, just go away!" JJ yells..

"Are you sure about that?" Violet asks, squeezing his wrist, which made him wince.

"That's what I thought." Violet sighs, she wrapped his wrist so that it would stay in place and heal on time.

"Hey." Jordan says, walking up to the Pogues.

Violet immediately got off of JJ's leg and ran over to Jordan.

"Hey." Violet says, wrapping her arms around Jordan.

"You okay?" Violet asks.

"My lips kinda hurt." Jordan says, getting a kiss from Violet.

"Better?" She asks.

"Way better." Jordan says.

"Hey guys! Uhm this is Jordan. He just moved here." Violet says, introducing him to the Pogues, who she hadn't spoken to in so long.

Pope and Kiara awkwardly waved while JJ just gave Jordan a look.

"We're cool, right?" Jordan asks JJ, sticking his hand out. He didn't want to fight JJ. But Rafe wanted to fight JJ and Rafe wanted to fight Jordan, so all 3 of them just got tangled up.

"Yeah, we're good man." JJ says, shaking hands with Jordan. Everyone couldn't help but feel some type of tension in the air.


"What was that?" Pope asks JJ.

"What?" JJ asks Pope, shrugging.

"You hate him." Pope says.

'What? No I don't." JJ lies.

"Yeah.. you do." Pope says.

"He's a good guy! I don't wanna hate him!" JJ says, explaining.

"You hate him cause you're jealous." Kiara says.

"I'm not jealous!" JJ defends, raising his arms up.

"Look if you want her back.. you just gotta tell her." Pope says.

"He's rich. He's good at football and he treats her good. I don't stand a chance." JJ says. Jordan was Heather.

"She'd leave Jordan for you." Kiara says.

"She'd leave Jordan for Rafe." JJ corrects.

Thanks for 23k❤️
I hate school omfg sorry this was short I have no time ahh

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