Chapter 30

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"He had a girlfriend?" Kiara asks.

"Yeah! I don't know if they were together or what but she came over and was like come home Jordan, we're meant to be." Violet says, mocking Carly, Jordan's ex-girlfriend.

"It's not too late to cancel, ya know." JJ says.

"We already paid for the ski trip anyway." Violet says.

"What's it to you anyway?" JJ asks.

"Hey! My parents are doctors not CEOS! I still know that it was a lot of money." Violet says.

"I am so glad my mom didn't make me go on that trip." Kiara says.

"What if you just 'miss' the flight?" JJ asks.

"Dude, you were begging to go skiing," Violet says.

"What if you fly over the Bermuda triangle and get sucked in?" JJ asks.

"It's Michigan.." Violet says, confused.

"What if the plane disappears and you go missing and vanish or something? Like Ward Cameron's plane." JJ says, worried.

"It crashed.." Pope corrects.

"Exactly!" JJ says.

"Hey, no more kooks," Kiara says, joking.

"No more Violet either." JJ says.

"Guys you can literally die of the hiccups." Violet says.

"What?" JJ asks, confused.

"Everything will be fine, I won't expose any secrets if that's what you're worried about. I'll stay with Magnolia the whole time and it'll be like a girls thing." Violet says, confident.



"Everyone, a reminder that you have to turn off your phones." A chaperone says.

Violet looked at her phone and saw a notification right before turning it on airplane mode.

vladnval has requested to follow you

Vlad and Val? It couldn't be, she thought. There was no way that it was John B and Sarah. 

0 posts \ 0 followers \ 0 following

confirm | delete

There was only one way to find out for sure.

"Violet, phone off." A chaperone reminded her.

"Sorry!" She says, quickly turning it off. They were on a jet on their way to a ski resort in Michigan.

"Are you gonna ignore me the whole flight?" Jordan asks. He was sitting next to her but she had acted like he wasn't even there. 

"I know you switched with Lia so she could sit with Kelce." Violet says, giving him an attitude.

"Are you gonna let me tell you the whole story first?" Jordan asks.

"I heard enough from her." Violet says, annoyed.

"Violet, we all have a past. I don't jump to conclusions with yours do I?" Jordan defends.

[2] Spoiled Legacies - JJ Maybank - Rafe Cameron - (An Outer Banks AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن