Chapter 10

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"I'm worried about JJ." Kiara says. Her and Pope were hanging out at the docks.

"He'll come around. He's been at school but he's always like two hours late." Pope says.

"He's home all the time, all alone." Kiara adds.

"He's JJ, he's just higher than a kite. Have you talked to Violet?" Pope asks.

"No. I don't wanna talk to her." Kiara scowls.

"You guys go to the same school.. how hard can it be?" Pope asks.

"She left. She just got up and left the hospital like nothing happened." Kiara says.

"She's just dealing with it her own way." Pope says.

"She's hanging out with all her little kook friends having a blast. Her and carrot head and their little cheer squad. There's this new guy and she's all over him like JJ never even happened." Kiara says.


JJ was asleep on the couch when he heard a loud knock on the door of the house, making him jolt up. He was hungover and his head was cloudy and fuzzy. He hadn't been to school much, and when he did show up to school he was a few hours late.

"Where the hell have you been? Haven't seen you at conditioning or practice." A voice says when JJ opened the door. He saw the football coach at his front door. JJ moved aside so that his coach could walk in.

"I'm not playing this year." JJ says, running a hand through his hair.

"This whole damn house smells like weed." The coach says.

"Yeah, that's mostly uhh my fault chief." JJ says, sleepily.

"The team's not the same this year. Not without you, bud." His coach says.

"You want a beer? Or a hit? Or both?" JJ asks, joking but also serious. He was hurting inside but he used his humor along with weed and alcohol to cope

"Jackson." The coach says, serious.

"Sup?" JJ asks.

"Get your shit together." The coach says.

"My shit is together man! It's all right here! All together." JJ says, still hungover. He grabbed a pre rolled blunt and was about to light it when the coach walked over and snatched it out of his hand.

"You can sit here and fry your little brain up or you can clean yourself up and get your ass back on the field." The coach says. JJ looked away, not wanting to look at his coach in the eye. His coach was the closest thing to a better father figure he had.

"You got a spot, but you gotta want it. It's not gonna be there forever." The coach adds on, before leaving and closing the front door.

"Fuck." JJ sighs, letting out a breath. He needed that little push to get his life together.

He heard another knock on his door, thinking it was the coach but he opened it to see Kiara and Pope.

"What's up?" JJ asks.

"You look rough." Pope says, seeing JJ. He still had a bed head and his hair was still all messed up.

"I just woke up." JJ says, rubbing his eyes.

"It's noon." Pope says.

"Oh shit.. really? Woke up early today," JJ says.

"You're a mess." Kiara says. The two walked inside the house to see it full of unwashed dishes and empty cans of beer.

[2] Spoiled Legacies - JJ Maybank - Rafe Cameron - (An Outer Banks AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant