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Kali's POV
March 2020
11:33 a.m
📍Kali's Apartment
"Goddamn" I raised up outta my bed with my elbows looking around "what time is it?" I mumbled looking around for my phone

Once I found it I checked for any new messages, orders, etc. Pierre had texted me asking if I made it home but I passed out as soon as I got under my covers. I still proceeded to texted him back saying yes.

I got up from my bed stretching the whole way to my bathroom connected to my room, I brushed my teeth and washed my face before hopping in the shower.

30 minutes later..

I dried my body off and rapped my towel back around me as I went digging through my drawers for a pair of my PSD Boy shorts "ouu these ones I said pulling out my superman ones and a sports bra.

Today was a Saturday and I didn't have anything planned besides packing orders and dropping them off at the post office, I grabbed my phone and headed over to my office room printing off some labels for today's orders.


2 hours later..
2:16 p.m

I put on some sweats and I jacket, once I put my sweats and a jacket on I put all the packages I packed today in two different buckets since I had so many.

"I need an assistant" I rolled my eyes I put my phone in the pocket of my sweats hoping and praying it wouldn't fall out. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door locking it behind me walking down the hallway to the elevator

As soon as I made it to the elevator someone was getting off so I just walked in and pressed the first floor. Once I made it to the first floor I rushed over to my car putting one of the buckets on the hood of my car as I opened the driver's side door putting the bucket in my hands in the passengers seat and grabbed the one of the hood of the car putting it on the floor on the passengers side.

I got in locking my doors because I seen a man watching me as I put my stuff in, I turned the car on and pulled off in a hurry because I was scared. last time a man stared at me like that it didn't end well.

I called Tae breathing heavily as I made a turn in the direction of the post office he answered on the third ring

"TA- TAE!"

"KALI ARE YOU OK?! DO I NEED TO KILL SOMEBODY?!" I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down so I wouldn't pass out while driving

"KALI?!" Tae yelled into the phone

"I don't want it to happen again Tae" I said on the verge of crying as I pulled into a parking space at the post office putting the car in park

"Kali pooh you gotta talk to me, what happened?" I just couldn't control my sobbing

"Kali breathe, do I need to come get you?"

"No. I'm- I'm almost at the pos- post office" I said trying to calm myself down as I wiped my tears

"Kali. Tell. Me. What. Happened."

"I was putting my packages and stuff in my car and then once I got in the car I noticed a man looking at me- ho- how the- the man did the night I got kidnapped" I started crying harder than I had been before

"Kali i'm about to pull up at the post office you at ok?"

"Can you please stay on the phone with me till you get here" I said trying to wipe my tears away again sniffing

"Ok boo i'm about 9 minutes away, you remember what happened last night?" I sniffed before speaking again

"I did something stupid didn't I?" I watched as people walked into the post office

  𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 | 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang