Weathering the Storm

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It felt like hours had passed and they still hadn't heard from Alex. Jeongguk and Taehyung had calmed down some, the latter managing to stop crying and sit quietly in Jimin's arms while he waited. Jeongguk on the other hand hadn't really stopped crying. He sat curled up in Seokjin's arms, crying silently while he waited. No one said a word and no one moved. The dorm had never been this quiet with all seven of them awake. When Yoongi's phone finally did ring, it startled them and they all jumped. Yoongi quickly answered it.

"Hello..." He answered nervously.

"Hey, Yoongi. Sorry, it took me so long to call back. Between taking to the doctors and nurses, the police, and the lawyer things have been a bit hectic." Alex replied.

"Hold on, Alex. Let me put you on speaker. Everyone is here waiting to find out how your mom is doing." Yoongi said.

He pulled his phone away from his ear and tapped it to put it on speakerphone then let Alex know so he could fill them all in.

"Hey, guys. She's okay. So are the twins." Alex says right away.

There is a very audible sigh of relief that goes through the entire room at his words.

"Oh thank god," Jimin says.

"She has a few stitches but thankfully the wounds weren't too serious. They didn't go in far enough to even affect the twins in any way. She'll be sore for a while and she has to take it easy, no strenuous activity until her stitches come out." Alex says.

"So, she's okay. Is she going home with you then?" Jeongguk asks.

"No. The doctor wants to keep her overnight to monitor her. Because it's a high-risk pregnancy, he wants to be sure the stress from what happened doesn't cause any complications with the twins. But I was there when he did the ultrasound and I heard both of their heartbeats. They were strong and fast just like they should be. The doctor says he's keeping her more as a precaution than anything. As long as there aren't any complications, she can go home tomorrow." Alex informs them.

"That's good. I'd rather they keep her so they can monitor them for a night just to be safe." Taehyung states.

"Can we....maybe talk to her?" Jeongguk asked.

"Not yet. They're in the process of getting her a room and moving her to it. The lawyer specified that it had to be a private room and that there would be guards outside. But as soon as she's in her room she plans on calling you." Alex says.

"Okay." Jeongguk replies.

"How are you doing, Alex? This night hasn't been easy for you either." Namjoon asks.

"Not as shaken up as I was earlier. Mostly relieved now. I'm probably gonna pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow when I get back to my aunt's house. But I'm not going until mom is put in her room." Alex replies.

"Just be careful driving back. We don't want to have to worry about you too." Yoongi piped in.

"I will. I promise." Alex said. "I'm going to hang up now since they should be moving my mom to her room soon. I'll talk to you guys soon." He added.

"Okay, Alex. Thank you for calling us to make sure we knew what was going on." Namjoon said.

"You're welcome. Bye, guys." Alex said.

"Bye." They all said back.

Now that they knew Lyssah and the twins were alright, all seven of them relaxed a little bit. That was when they realized the hadn't had dinner and that they were hungry. None of them felt like cooking so they decided to order take out instead. While they waited for the food to be delivered, they showered and changed into their pajamas, since they weren't going out again that night.

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