The Fight for Baby Kim and Baby Jeon

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A/N: Finally got this posted. Had some issues a bit ago but here it is. It's kind of short.

Lyssah was released from the hospital two days later, on Christmas Eve. In those two days, the three of them spent every moment they weren't sleeping with the twins and talking to the doctors looking after the twins as well as keeping the others updated on everything. Charity picked Lyssah up from the hospital since BTS had practice most of the day because they had a performance on Christmas Day. TaeKook kissed her before they left, telling her to call if anything happened otherwise they would see her after practice.

Once she was home, Lyssah took a shower, changed her clothes, had lunch, and spent time with her other children. They had missed her and were curious about the twins. She showed them the pictures she had taken as well as a short video of her lovers singing to the babies. She also explained to them what was going on and why the twins couldn't come home yet. She played with Audrey for a bit before going back up to the hospital, telling Charity she would be back after the guys were done with practice.

At the hospital, Lyssah talked to more doctors that were running tests on the twins as well as the nurses taking care of them. Then she sat in the twins' room, talking to them. She told them about their daddies, how she met them, how proud she was of them, how everyone couldn't wait to meet them, and how much the twins' uncles loved them. She also played some of BTS' music for them, knowing how much they seemed to love when their daddies sang to them. Before she knew it Taehyung and Jeongguk were there, having finished practice and taken quick showers. They spent another two hours at the hospital before going home for the night. Their performance wasn't until later on Christmas Day so they wanted to watch Lyssah and Charity's children open their gifts before they left for last-minute practice and a full run-through of the performance at the venue.

Everyone woke up early on Christmas morning to eat breakfast before the kids opened their gifts. Taehyung and Jeongguk learned why Lyssah said Christmas was her favorite holiday because she loved watching her kids open their gifts. The way of the kids' faces lit up when they opened each gift brought smiles to both of their faces. They were all so thankful for everything they received no matter how small.

After all the gifts were opened, Lyssah, Taehyung, and Jeongguk all said goodbye and left to go to the hospital to see the twins. The guys could only stay for around half an hour before they had to leave for practice. But they would take whatever time they could get with their children. They talked softly to the twins, telling them about their siblings and about how they couldn't wait to spend a holiday at home with them. One of the doctors did come in and talk to them for a bit before the guys left. They both kissed Lyssah before saying goodbye to the twins and leaving.Lyssah talked with more doctors throughout the day, texted her lovers to let them know what was going on, called her family and friends back in the U.S. to wish them a Merry Christmas, and texted Charity to see how the kids were doing. When the show BTS was to perform started, she sat in between the twins with it playing on her phone. She made sure the volume was loud enough to be heard by them but not so loud it would startle them. She talked to them throughout it, telling them how good their fathers and uncles were doing and how cute the performance was. She knew just hearing her voice relaxed the twins but she noticed that hearing BTS sing, especially Taehyung and Jeongguk relaxed the twins as well.

The next couple of days, before BTS left for the U.S. to perform at New Year's Rocking Eve, Taehyung and Jeongguk spent all of their free time with Lyssah and the twins. They had packed everything ahead of time so they would have it done. Leaving the country, their girlfriend, and their children when they still had no idea if the twins would make it was not something they wanted to do but they knew they needed to. Lyssah tried to put them at ease as much as she could.

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