Repaired Relationships & Heartfelt Thank Yous

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Because of the pandemic, BTS wasn't as busy as they usually were. They had postponed their Map of the Soul world tour so there were no extra practices. The benefit of this was it gave Taehyung and Jeongguk more time to spend with Lyssah and the twins. They still had work to do obviously, just not as much as they would have if they were still doing the world tour.

During this time, one of the three of them kept their Instagram filled with new pictures almost every day. Though they still didn't show the twins' faces. Lyssah also kept up on her pregnancy blog. She hoped that posting how the twins were developing and any struggles they had would help any new mothers that might come across her blog. Other than that their days were spent taking care of the twins as well as Lyssah's other children.

Before they knew it, summer was upon them and BTS was leaving to film the first season of a new show called In the Soop. Lyssah helped Taehyung and Jeongguk pack, making sure they each had a framed photo of Minah and Jaehyun to take with them. It was the first time they would be away from the twins for an extended period of time since they were born. But she promised to video call them every night so they could see them.

It was while they were recording In the Soop that Lyssah received a message from Jeongguk's mom asking to meet up so she could apologize. Lyssah waited until she called her lovers that night to ask Jeongguk his opinion on it. He told her that if she wanted to meet with his mother that was fine but to make sure Charity was with her and to leave the twins home with Alex and Felicity. He didn't want his mother near his daughter until he was home.

Two days later, Lyssah sat on a bench in a park, Charity sitting nearby just in case she was needed as well as Lyssah's guards. She looked up when she heard footsteps, seeing Mrs. Jeon making her way over to her. Lyssah would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. The last time they had seen each other Mrs. Jeon had not only been rude but had also said some hurtful things.

Lyssah stood up to greet Mrs. Jeon, even bowing to her although she was the elder. She figured since she was dating this woman's son she should show her the respect that Mrs. Jeon had not shown her the last time. She could be the bigger person. And honestly, she held no ill will towards Mrs. Jeon. Lyssah knew that the things she had said last time were because she was worried about her son and being overprotective. Something Lyssah, as a mother, understood.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Lyssah-ssi. I know our last meeting didn't go so well. I said things that hurt you and upset my son. Please, let me start by saying I am very sorry for the way I acted. I should have given you the chance and got to know you before assuming you were out to use and hurt my Jeonggukkie." Mrs. Jeon said.

"I do understand where you were coming from, Mrs. Jeon. He is, after all, your baby. I would have been worried as well if it was one of my own children. And therefore, I accept your apology." Lyssah said.

"'re a lot more understanding than I expected. I am grateful for that. I guess it comes from being a mother as well." Mrs. Jeon said.

"Yes. I think it takes a mother of many years to understand where another mother is coming from," Lyssah replied.

"Yes, I agree." Mrs. Jeon said. "Can I ask how he is? And how my granddaughter is?" she asked.

"Jeongguk is busy recording a new show for ARMY at the moment. But just so you know he is an amazing father. You'd be very proud of him. He's absolutely great with Minah. And our Minah is doing very well. She is hitting all her milestones and is quite healthy." Lyssah explained.

"I am very proud of him. And that's good. When I heard that she was born prematurely, I was worried." Mrs. Jeon said with a smile.

"Would you like to see a picture of her? She looks a lot like her daddy." Lyssah asked.

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