An American Thanksgiving for BTS

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A/N: I used the city my own mother lives in for Lyssah's mother. And tried to keep the distance as realistic to my own (It's a 19-hour drive from where I live to where my mom lives, though Lyssah and her kids will be flying there not driving).  

After Lyssah's birthday, the boys had to get ready for the AMA's at the end of November. This gave them just over a month to decide what to perform and to practice as much as possible. It leads to their schedule being very busy as they practiced, continued working on their next album, picked out songs for the upcoming MAMA awards, practiced for them as well which made their daily practice even longer than usual, helped their stylists pick out what outfits they would wear for the different interviews, appearances, red carpet, and performance. TaeKook were both exhausted when they got back to the dorm but made sure to take the time to send Lyssah texts telling her they loved her. When practices started running too late for them to do video calls with her afterward, they had all agreed to take a thirty-minute break at the time she would usually call them so they could talk to her.

A week and a half before they were supposed to leave to come back to the U.S, Lyssah called Sejin and asked if there was any way they could stay a few extra days. She was going to her mother's for Thanksgiving and of course, her mother wanted to meet Taehyung and Jeongguk. This would also give her a chance to show them how they celebrate Thanksgiving in America. After taking to Hitman Bang and getting the okay, Sejin called her back and gave her the news. They kept it a surprise from the boys, only telling them to pack some extra clothes for an extended stay in the States.

With everything cleared by the boss and the plans set with her mother and Sejin, Lyssah booked the tickets for the flight there and back as well as the rooms at a hotel in New Orleans and made reservations at a really nice restaurant for a dinner date with her two lovers. After that was all set, she took the kids shopping for new suitcases, overnight bags, and all the necessities for the trip and the week-long stay. It wasn't as cold in New Orleans in November as it was where she lived so she ordered some clothes online for all of them as well. She also bought herself a really pretty and slightly expensive dress for her dinner date with TaeKook. As much as she hated spending their money, even though it was deposited for her to use, she did need new clothes quite frequently and this was one of those times. She splurged a bit on the dress, shoes, and jewelry to go with it just this one time. If she could have flown out to see them before the AMA's she would have but she knew they were flying out to meet her in New Orleans the day after the awards show.

The night before they left, Taehyung and Jeongguk called her while they were packing a few last-minute things.

"How's New Orleans, angel?" Jeongguk asked.

"It's great, bun. Warmer than home for sure. And there's lots of sights to see and places to check out while I'm here." Lyssah replied.

"Just don't overdo it and make sure to rest when you need it, princess," Taehyung said.

"I will, TaeBear. I promise." She said. "Same goes for you guys too. Practice is one thing but don't overdo it and hurt yourself before the performance." She added.

"We won't, noona," Jimin spoke up as he entered the room.

"Yeah. We'll be too busy with all the interviews and stuff anyway." Taehyung added in.

"Do you think they'll ask about the twins?" Lyssah asked.

"No. They were given a list of subjects they aren't allowed to ask about and you and the twins are on the top on that list." Jeongguk answered.

"Yeah. They are to focus on music-related questions mostly. Nothing too personal." Jimin adds.

"Okay. Good. I know everyone knows about us but I'd much rather the twins and I stay off the radar when it comes to interviews." Lyssah stated.

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