Unexpectly Hawks then clapped his hands twice and before you could even say anything a line of people walked into your room holding various boxes as they put them on the bed and walked straight out.

After about 5 minutes of people walking in and out when the last person finally left your whole bed and floor was full of items. You slowly turned your head to look at Hawks who had a large grin on his face, "WHAT THE FAWK" you yelled. "What" he responded looking back at you with a puzzled expression.

"What is all of this" you probed tiptoeing around the items on your floor while simultaneously looking at everything on your bed. "Oh this, it's for you" he said smiling again.

"EVERYTHING" you responded frantically, "Yup surprise" he grinned doing jazz hands. "I can't take all of this, plus everything here looks expensive" you pleaded looking up at Hawks. "You don't have a choice these are yours now and even if I wanted to return them they don't exactly have return policies".

"Ughhhhh" you groaned looking at him as you sat down at the small open corner of your bed. "Babybird you really shouldn't feel bad about people wanting to spend money on you" Hawks claimed.

"Hawks how much did this all cost" you huffed looking up at him. "Only about 5 million all together" he remarked. "Umm sir that is more than everything I've spent my whole life, now I know I can't take these" you speculated.

"Kid I told you I can't return them so looks like your going to have to take them" he remarked. "Hold on" you said while he walked out of your room not stopping. "What am I supposed to do with all of this" you queried as you stood up and looked around at all of the stuff Hawks bought.

You didn't have a lot of time so you decided you would go take your shower. The water was already on so you just took off your clothes and walked into the clear glass shower. It took you about half an hour to take your shower before you decided to get out.

You grabbed a towel and dried your hair wrapping the towel around you. Walking back over to your bed you pulled out your phone. You started playing your favorite playlist on blast, singing every song word for word while you did your hair and makeup.

After about an hour you went back over to your room and browsing over at everything Hawks had gotten you.

"Stupid bird brain, no return policy" you said to yourself in a mocking tone. You looked over at all of the jewelry on your bed and picked out a silver necklace that looked like it had diamonds on it. Then chose a matching bracelet and diamond earings. Walking over to the other side of the bed you peered over your dress that was hidden in a Louis Vuitton garment cover.

Because you hadn't seen the full dress except for when you had it on you were excited to see what it would look like. You zipped down the bag and saw a beautiful ball gown.

Aoi had literally outdone himself and given you a dress people dream of. You held it up and admired how well it was made and couldn't imagine that this was for you. I mean all of this was surreal to you. For someone who didn't even want to be a pro hero and would rather take a path like Aizawa sensei had you were sure living like one.

But you couldn't help but think back to your past and remember that this was the exact reason you didn't want to become that type of hero. All of the gloating and partying, getting recognition when there are so many others who still need saving.

You sighed and took the dress off of it's velvet hanger. You took off the robe you had put on earlier and slipped into the dress. Walking over to the large mirror placed in your room you saw that it fit perfectly and accentuated the best parts of your body.

 Walking over to the large mirror placed in your room you saw that it fit perfectly and accentuated the best parts of your body

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